
Sunday Snippets

These graphics are so perfectly fitting for the day. He has shown His faithfulness in my weakness yet again today. His goodness has overwhelmed me. And I am lost in amazement all over again at His unspeakable love.

I'll have more to say about today later. God blessed abundantly. Wonderful morning of worship (despite the fact that I completely bombed the accompaniment to one of the hymns...UGH!) and truth preached. More excellent preaching tonight, plus a presentation by friends who are missionaries in Ireland, and a great time of fellowship (with loads of good food, as always :)).

Lots of things stand out from the day, much of which will probably make it to the blog or the Facebook page in the next few days.

For now, I'll just share a quote Bro. Tim Coyle shared tonight in his sermon. I've heard it before, but it always brings tears. Fanny Crosby has always been one of my favorite hymn-writers, and I grew up hearing my daddy tell her story. Blinded from infancy due to malpractice by a quack doctor, Fanny had this to say in response to a well-meaning preacher who expressed pity at her blindness"

"Do you know that if at birth I had been able to make one petition, it would have been that I was born blind? Because when I get to heaven, the first face that shall ever gladden my sight will be that of my Savior."


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