
At the End of the Day...

I've started two posts for today and haven't finished either of them yet. Hopefully tomorrow! It's been a very full day.  I sat down in the pew for tonight's camp service at Oak Cliff and thought about all the work God has been doing in my life in the last few days, in so many different directions, and my mind and heart were both a bit boggled. And then the service itself completely undid me.  More on that in tomorrow's-post-that-was-supposed-to-be-one-of-tonight's.

For now...this song has just been so much on my mind and heart tonight.  It's "been a day", as Billy would say.  NOTHING has gone as planned.  And yet...God has kept my focus, miraculously, on Him, through it all.  As I said on Facebook earlier:

Not one. single. thing. about today has gone as planned...and it's not over yet! Glad to know that even though it hasn't gone according to *my* plan, God has had every iota of this crazy day planned from *before the foundation of the world*. It's all His. He keeps reminding me to rest in that.

And then that service...true worship, in music and in the preaching of the truth of the Word.  And truly, the things of earth...from seizures to Billy having to work late and missing church and everything in between...grew strangely dim.  His presence and His glory...of which we know we're seeing just a glimpse here...overwhelmed it all.  

Oh, how I want to stay there.  I want Him to keep me focused on Him, no matter what is going on.  To live here, dealing with all the stuff we have to deal with here...medical issues and paperwork and feeding people and taxi-ing people here and there and everything else...and yet not get mired in it, because my focus is on Him...how He's working in and through the circumstances, and working in and through me and those around me, and most of all just who He is...through it all.

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