
For August 11, 2008

Outside My Window...
Rain!! Cooler temperatures (Yay!!). Things starting to turn green again. A boy walking barefoot in the rain.

I am thinking...
all kinds of thoughts swirling in my mind...I'm in a thoughtful mood today.
Birthday thoughts, thankful thoughts, a sad thought or two, and thoughts about the *bigness* of God.

I am thankful for...
a van sold.
a sink fixed.
a garage (almost) completely gone.
a husband who has worked hard on all of the above and more!!
(and friends who've helped with the sink and the garage :))
cooler weather!!
Working AC at church!!
a chance to cuddle our sweet baby niece for a little while yesterday.
Girls with birthdays in the next week!!! :-)

From the kitchen...
Hopefully a bit more exciting fare this week, as it is cooler and I hope to take advantage of the opportunity to actually *cook*!!
(I'm thinking cherry cobbler for starters today...:))

I am wearing...
black shorts and a red flowered shirt

I am creating...
long overdue scrapbook projects,
birthday surprises,
*pockets of beauty* in our home.

I am going...
Shopping for some birthday girls tonight!
Shopping *with* a birthday girl later this week! :-)

I am reading...
Still working through my list from last week. :-)

I am hoping...
It really stays as cool as they are predicting this week.
For wonderful birthday memories for my girls.

I am hearing...
the whirr of the fan behind me,
children chattering,
occasional rain patters.

Around the house...
More sorting, organizing, and decluttering!

One of my favorite things...
Encouragement from my sweet husband when I am down...even when he says things I know are a bit (or a lot :)) biased. :)

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
Celebrating *9* with Bayley tomorrow!
Preparing for Emlyn's birthday next Monday.
A few errands here and there.
Diligent work on the house, school prep, and creative projects.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Ammah Grace brought home a flower hair clip from VBS a few weeks ago. The girls asked me one morning to make some for them with some flowers in our *stash*. I said we would try to do it that afternoon. Peter piped up and said, "May I do it for them, Mom? I know how..." So out came the glue gun and Peter made each girl a beautiful flowered hair clip. The girls loved them, and Mom was very proud of her "crafty boy" who is even willing to make "girl stuff" for his sisters!

Thanks To Peggy for hosting the Simple Woman's Daybook each week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet hubby and son. Glad things are getting done. Love your blog.
God bless,