I'm just getting started on the book, but I've not been disappointed. I'm sure I'll be posting thoughts from the book itself soon. But before I ever got to Babbie's actual writing, I was struck by the forward to the book, which says this:
"We want breadth. Numbers. More people saved! And so does God. But He has another work He wants to do within the church that will cause us to be far more effectively used for breadth. It's called depth. Specifically, a depth of sanctification and a depth of faith. The combination invites God to do the inconceivable like no other."
As I read those words, it was like a light bulb suddenly popped up over my head. Several of us have been talking lately about how everyone in our circle of friends right now is facing some huge storm. And not only that, but it's been going on for a *long* time. Either new storms coming, one after another, before the last one is completely gone, or long-term intense storms...or both. I've seen the same thing in online friends facing huge giants. It can get very overwhelming very quickly.
But the other thing that I've seen in that is that over and over and over again, both with IRL friends and online ones, people are sharing things that God is showing them about Himself that are totally amazing. Deep things. Things that could only be learned in the school of suffering. A new awareness of and awe for the sovereignty of God. A new assurance of His goodness, even when circumstances are far from good. A deeper realization of His incredible love. A renewed love for His word, and even in some cases a drive to dig into the previously-seen-as-dry-and-not-so-relevant-to-life-right-now subject of "doctrine".
I've been seeing those things, experiencing them, and marveling about them for a while, as anyone who reads much here knows. But I hadn't really put them together with the term "revival" until Beth's words. She continues with these:
But the other thing that I've seen in that is that over and over and over again, both with IRL friends and online ones, people are sharing things that God is showing them about Himself that are totally amazing. Deep things. Things that could only be learned in the school of suffering. A new awareness of and awe for the sovereignty of God. A new assurance of His goodness, even when circumstances are far from good. A deeper realization of His incredible love. A renewed love for His word, and even in some cases a drive to dig into the previously-seen-as-dry-and-not-so-relevant-to-life-right-now subject of "doctrine".
I've been seeing those things, experiencing them, and marveling about them for a while, as anyone who reads much here knows. But I hadn't really put them together with the term "revival" until Beth's words. She continues with these:
"The good news is that faith--the authentic New Testament kind--is beginning to come back in style.
I'm not talking about name-it-and-claim-it theology. I'm talking about simply believing God is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do. I'm talking about learning to abide in Christ and letting His words abide in us so that our petitions begin to reflect His heart and mind. (John 15:7-8)
The result is a God-glorifying harvest that bears witness to a lost world that Christ is alive and powerful. Ultimately, the harvest will be one of souls. I am convinced that breadth revival will follow closely on the heels of a depth revival."
Is the suffering that seems to be mushrooming around me part of that very thing? A "depth revival"? What a thought. And what a perspective-changer to begin to look at those storms through "revival-colored glasses."
I'm not talking about name-it-and-claim-it theology. I'm talking about simply believing God is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do. I'm talking about learning to abide in Christ and letting His words abide in us so that our petitions begin to reflect His heart and mind. (John 15:7-8)
The result is a God-glorifying harvest that bears witness to a lost world that Christ is alive and powerful. Ultimately, the harvest will be one of souls. I am convinced that breadth revival will follow closely on the heels of a depth revival."
Is the suffering that seems to be mushrooming around me part of that very thing? A "depth revival"? What a thought. And what a perspective-changer to begin to look at those storms through "revival-colored glasses."
LORD, I have heard the report about You;
LORD, I stand in awe of Your deeds.
Revive Your work in these years;
make it known in these years.
In Your wrath remember mercy!
~Habakkuk 3:2
LORD, I stand in awe of Your deeds.
Revive Your work in these years;
make it known in these years.
In Your wrath remember mercy!
~Habakkuk 3:2