
Cute Little Girly-Dos, part 2 (aka Arrgghhh, part 2 ;-))


Well, I *finally* managed to get Blogger to let me upload some pictures. We won't talk about how much time I spent trying to make this happen, or the fact that I am now having to post from IE instead of Firefox...grrr. No matter the contortions I've had to go through, I have photos now, and I am grateful.


*Now* Blogger won't let me move the photos once I get them uploaded. So...I cannot get them in order. Hopefully this won't make you *quite* as crazy as it has made me. ;-)

This was *supposed* to be the last picture. The caption was going to be..."And while we were busy with girl stuff, Peter was creating this spear." (I keep calling it a sword, and being reminded that it really bears no resemblance to a sword. Hmmph. It's long and it has a sharp point. Close enough. ;-))

Front view of Emlyn in her latticed puff-tails...

Another view...
I told you these were way out of order. *I'm* having a hard time telling who is who. This is a top view of Bayley in lattice puff-tails.
Front view of Bayley...
Another top view of Bay....
Ammah Grace calls these *Criss Cross Applesauce* puff-tails. I guess that would work, too. :)

Front view of Ammah Grace...
Side view of Gracie...she was really proud of her curls. :)
Remember Emlyn, way back at the top? ;-) This is a top view of Emlyn.
Back view of Emlyn...

Disclaimer...we'll post *better* pictures of this style soon, I hope. These were taken Saturday while we were *just playing*. :) We couldn't find a comb at the time, so it was a bit of a challenge, but the girls and I had fun anyway. :)

1 comment:

t marie said...

Too cute.

And Peter is correct. It is a spear. It looks nothing like a sword. Silly Jef.