
Talk About Tuesday and National Preemie Awareness Month

Lara at The Lazy Organizer is hosting Talk About Tuesday, a new "Show-and-Tell-ish" weekly meme. I thought it would be the perfect venue to share the latest new artwork at our house...

Now, I'm *sure* that those of you who know me in real life will recognize the subject of this drawing *immediately*. Yes...you're right...it's yours truly. Yes Grin

Ammah Grace presented me with her first *recognizable* (recognizable as in not just scribbles...not recognizable in that I immediately recognized it was *me* Wind and Smile) drawing yesterday and proudly announced "This is you, Momma!!"

Two arms...two legs...a body, head, mouth, and eyes...I'm not sure if the stuff on top is *hair* or the sky. Giggle 4 Anyway, I was quite impressed.

As always, I have to stop and marvel for just a minute...this is the child who was at high risk for brain damage, the child that doctors warned us might have all manner of developmental problems...the child we weren't sure would ever talk, walk, or hold a pencil. She is a reminder every day of God's power and grace and sovereignty, as she runs pell-mell after her sisters and brother, determined to be *just* as big as they are, and as she talks non-stop (16 hours a day, some days :-D).

November is National Prematurity Awareness Month. Here is our little artist today...

(hopping a ride on Bubby's back Grin)

And here's a flashback to a bit over 3 1/2 years ago...

(Photo on the left taken in NICU; photo on the right taken at home, at about age 6 months)To see what others are talking about today, visit Lara at the Lazy Organizer.


Laney said...

Congratulations for being a homeschooling mom! I was homeschooled and am EVER grateful for it. God has indeed blessed you and your children are all beautiful. Your blog is very nice, too! If you'd like to see mine, it's:
It's nice to meet a fellow Christian!

Anonymous said...

what an awesome picture she drew! thanks for sharing such a great story!

Marcia Francois said...

what a great testimony - and such a pretty picture :)

Organising Queen,
Beaded bookmarks and
Marcia's take charge blog

Lara said...

Awww, you're beautiful and so are your kids! My two year old is learning to trace but hasn't produced anything recognizable on her own yet. It's so fun watching them learn and grow and must be especially wonderful for you after the trials you had with her.

Mrs. O said...

Those first drawings are so precious,even more so when they prove medical science wrong.

Thea @ It's Me Vs. Me said...

She is definitely a gift, as is that picture!