Challenge Your Child With Greatness --This was a timely, challenging, and inspiring read for me this week. I had just been reminded of a letter written to me by my daddy when I was a very young girl, encouraging me to always strive for always do my best, "as unto the Lord". I had been convicted that all too often, while trying to slog through the valleys of less-than-ideal circumstances, I get stuck in *survival mode*...doing just what has to be done to get by. Not only is that not where *I* need to be...but it is not a good lesson for my children to be learning! That reminder, and this article, sparked a change in direction for me this week, as well as some good discussion and training with my children.
Rainy Days Clean My Toilets --In addition to deserving an award for best blog post title of the week

, this article was such an encouragement! God has been reminding me again in recent weeks that there is no schedule, program, or system that is going to make me into the godly wife and mother He wants me to be, or accomplish the incredible tasks He has assigned to me. He provides tools that help us along the way (like the
file crate system I adapted recently), butHe wants me to learn to lean on Him for the creativity, strength, wisdom, and discipline that it takes to fulfill His plan for me. I love Jacci's take on this concept in this post...the principles behind the *plan* that works for her.
Kiss Your Pins and Scissors Goodbye --Okay, so I've come a long way since the days when my grandmother worked at Singer and we were always on the cutting edge of new sewing products.

I know I am *waayy* behind the times, and yes, I did know about rotary cutters...but no pins??? No scissors *and* no pins??? This could completely revolutionize my (completely non-existent in the past few years

) sewing life. Little known fact about me? I *LOVE* to sew. I *HATE* to layout and cut patterns. Detest. Despise. Abhor. I have *always* said that if I could hire someone to do all the laying out and cutting, I could sew everyone's entire wardrobe. Rotary cutting supplies and weights are *definitely* going on my wish list!
Hi, Jennifer....I found your blog through my site meter :) I'm glad you're excited about the weights and rotary cutter...I hope you'll like them as much as I do! Oh, and I totally agree with you about HATING to pin and cut out the patterns. It used to keep me from projects as well.
That weighted thing that you use instead of pins is so cool! I always hated pining the pattern pieces to the fabric - so many cool ideas! Thanks for the links!
I am going to have to look into that too. 3 years ago Matt bought me a really nice machine, I feel bad because I dont use it. I really need to.
I'm so glad you enjoyed my post :) And thank you so much for linking to me!!! That's awesome :)
BTW, I do not like to cut out the patterns either. I actually tried to time it once to make myself feel better. "It only takes a little while" and all that. Trouble was that it took FOREVER, so that pretty much backfired ;)
Have a good one!
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