I am in major planning mode right now, getting geared up for a couple of very busy months ahead with holidays, musicals, extended family issues, and, of course, school and the ever-present work to be done on this *house*. Last week didn't get off to a very good start (our van died Monday morning), so I never even got my Monday Meanderings/Menu Plan Monday post *planned*, much less typed. I seemed to be running in a perpetual state of *behind* all week. So....today has been designated *catch up* day here. We'll see how that goes. ;-)
Bible Study
~Continuing with the book of Job as part of my ongoing Bible Study on *suffering*.
~Continuing with 31 Days of Prayer for Children.
~Continuing *sibling study* with the kids, using Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends, by the Mallys
Must Do
~Holiday Planning (continuing until Christmas...I am *waayy* behind on this and plan to spend some time each day this week getting caught up on my lists and beginning preparations. )
~School Planning (*today* I am setting aside time to sit down and plan school from now until mid-January. I had planned to do this over the weekend and never had a chance.)
~Finish BCC cooking (Due to some *unplanned interruptions* last week, I got the meat stuff done, as well as a big batch of twice-baked potatoes to freeze, but I didn't get anywhere near all of the baking done that I had planned to do. That *must* be finished this week!)
Home Blessing
~Continued decluttering and re-organizing.
~Deep clean kitchen, to include cleaning out *all* cabinets
~List our old, non-functional piano on Freecycle and get it *out* of here. It is taking up a *huge* amount of much-needed space and I have needed to do that ever since we brought my other piano home earlier this year. (*ack*)
Train Them Up
~Continue working on Gratefulness Study with children (I'll post more on this soon.)
~Get children more involved in holiday planning process
~Watch Martin Luther movie that arrived too late from Netflix last week for us to watch it for Reformation Day.
~Continue working on day training with Ammah Grace. We made it at least most of the day every day last week in panties!! We are going to get this down yet!
Menu Plan Monday
Monday--Potato Soup
Tuesday--Chicken Fettucini Alfredo, Green Beans, Cheddar Bay Biscuits
Wednesday--Hamburgers and Twice-baked Potatoes
Thursday--Impossible Cheeseburger Pie, Carrots, Salad
Friday--Enchiladas and Rice
For more Menu Plan Monday ideas, visit Orgjunkie . For more Monday Meanderings, visit Tiany at Less of Me, More of Him .
Everything sounds good.I love potato soup,enchiladas,alfredo...ok, I like everything you have on your menu :)
Great list...I need to update my list of things to do. It is the best way to get from feeling overwhelmed isn't it.
the book you mentioned, unplugged play, sounds neat. i might need to check it out. thanks for your comment.
We had enchilladas last night and I'm looking for a potato soup recipe. I had one somewhere where you used baked potatoes. I listed our old piano last year on Freecycle (but it worked) and I had so many offers. It was much easier than selling it.
Hope you were able to do all your "catching up". Have a great weekend!
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