I am thankful this week for a van that runs!
Sometimes I get so involved in being thankful for the *big things* that I forget to be thankful for the *mundane things*....like transportation! God reminded me of that this week.
Several weeks ago, our red van...the one Billy drives to work...died. It was determined, after much poking, prodding, and generally laborious work on Billy's part that it needed a new fuel pump. Since we were saving for our once-a-year out of town trip at the time ;-), we decided that we would park the red van for a few weeks until the new fuel pump fit into the budget better. The kids and I don't go out that much during the week when Billy is at work anyway, and we have spent much of our married lives as a one-car family, so we would be fine.
The plan was that Billy would replace the fuel pump a week from Saturday...after his November 9 payday.
So Tuesday morning, Billy goes out to put gas in the white van (otherwise known around here as the *good* van, despite its 210,000 miles

To make a (very) long story (a bit) short(er)...it was the fuel pump. Only the fuel pump for the white van is $40.00 *more* than the fuel pump for the red van. *But*...the red one has a serious power steering problem and Billy doesn't think it's safe for me to drive with the kids. *So*...we bought a new fuel pump for the *white* van Tuesday night and he and a neighbor fixed it.
I'm thankful...
1. For a handy husband who is able to fix things!
2. For a neighbor who was willing to give up his night off to help.
3. For $$ in the account to buy the fuel pump.
4. For extra work this weekend for Billy that should *replace* that $$ before bills are due next week!
5. For my mom who was willing and able to get Billy to work and back Tuesday.
6. For my friend who offered to go to the store for me or take me to the store (we were completely out of several necessities of life like milk and dog food ;-)), and who ended up taking me even though the van was fixed by then. After the stress of the day, I'm not sure I could have driven to the store and back if I had had to!
7. For a van that is running fine now!
8. For continual reminders that God does meet *all* of our needs.
To see what others are thankful for this week, visit Crystal at "God is in Control".
Sweet, precious blessings.
Oh my, vehicles are really one of those silent blessings--unless they are one of those urgent needs.
So glad Billy was able to get it fixed. Really happy that nothing decided to quit working away from home leaving you stranded somewhere.
Have a beautiful day!
Handy husbands are such a blessing! Glad you're up and running again. Blessings on your day!
Great list! There have been many times I've been without transportation and it is no fun. Enjoyed your list and my visit here.
Thanks for commenting on my Thankful Thursday list.
Bless you! Remember God is in the small things too. Its amazing that both had the same problem at the same time. Sometimes, I have to stop and remind myself that all things do come from him and should not be taken for granted. Have a great week,
Mama Bear
We usually do take things for granted - until they are broken or missing! Glad to hear at least one van is up and running again. I imagine it would have been cheaper in the horse and buggy days, but a lot slower too :)
DETAILS, I say details....
You know for a few weeks I've been reflecting on that in my weekend post and I have been nudged to 'put it out there' for others to join in...
if you stop by and want to join, add yourself to the linky thing~
LOVE those details~ and vans with gas..I ran out this week~oops!
Thanks for sharing your list and the reminder to remember the everyday things.
It's amazing how life comes to a halt when the "mundane" things go to pot. We're so dependant on God for everything. Isn't that where He wants us to be. Glad things worked out for you. Thanks for sharing. Blessings!
It's always the little things that will get us! Thanks so much for sharing your list, I'm glad we're not the only ones who deal with those little things!
Great Thankful list! Thanks for sharing and joining in this week!
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