Outside my window...Birds singing, sunshine peeking through the trees, a beautiful spring morning!
I am thinking...that we have started another "whole new chapter" in our lives this week. You know those big events in life that everything else is categorized in between? Before marriage and after marriage, before NICU and after NICU, before my dad died and after...and so on. On Friday, one of our children was diagnosed with Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy. We've had an idea that something was going on since just before Christmas, and we've been fairly sure that it was some sort of seizure disorder for a couple of weeks. We now start a new chapter of living with epilepsy...working toward just the right medication control, learning a whole new language of "seizure vocabulary", relationships with a new group of medical people (and new numbers on my speed dial), a stack of books on epilepsy on my nightstand and a slew of new bookmarks from online research, immediate and future lifestyle changes, and a reminder once again of how blessed we are with people in our lives who love and pray faithfully for our family! We know that no matter how much it may seem like one to us, this is not a detour, but actually the route planned for us since before the foundation of the world, by the Author and Creator of all. It is "THE path"...totally unexpected by us, but no surprise at all to the One who holds us in the palm of His hand.
I am thankful...Oh, so thankful for family, friends, and the Body of Christ. For the gift of family, even when it's hard. For friends who have listened, and prayed, and listened some more and prayed some more, all in the midst of dealing with their own "stuff". For the Body of Christ...for our church that we love so much...we are so blessed with our church family!...and for the larger Body of Christ...people all over the world who pray for our family faithfully, and many around the world for whom we pray as well. And for the sweet friend from church who called while I was typing this blog post this morning and just blessed me to pieces. We've never had any "outside church" contact, but she had heard about the medical stuff going on and just called to check on us and let us know she was praying. She'll never know what a blessing that phone conversation was. Not only was it a huge dose of encouragement, but she happened to mention something I hadn't thought of for dealing with one of the more minor side effects of the new med. So glad for people who listen to and act on those promptings of the Holy Spirit. I'm so convicted of my need to do better in that area!
In the kitchen...Working on a "use-it-up" menu before vacation, and a "cabin menu" to cook while we are gone. Looking forward to trying some new "camp food" treats this time. :)
I am creating...lists, and lists of lists, as we prepare for vacation. I'm way behind on this, due to all the crazy around here lately, the epilepsy research I've been somewhat buried in, and trying to keep up with school.
I am going...on a cleaning spree this week, and whisking the kids along with me! Cleaning has been a bit on the back burner lately, too, as I realized quite unhappily last night when Billy and a friend were climbing around under our kitchen sink dealing with a plumbing issue. ACKK. Bring on the cleaning bucket!
I am wondering...Biggest wonder on my mind this week...is this med going to work? Will it cause side effects, and if so, what kind? Will the dreaded rash appear, and if so, what then? Trying to make that a matter of constant prayer, rather than worry...I'm more successful at that at some times than at others.
I am reading...*Other* than seizure stuff, I'm trying to get back to Elyse Fitzpatrick's Give Them Grace. So good. Also hoping to read some in Understanding Exposure, by Bryan Peterson, before vacation. I'm in a huge slump, photography-wise, and from what I've read, this book is the book to boost me out of it. :) And the kids and I are going to start The Hiding Place as a read-aloud this week.
I am hoping...for a bit cooler weather in the next few weeks. We had heard rumors that it was going to cool off quite a bit, but now it looks like maybe not so much. Would love some cool but dry days for our vacation. :)
I am looking forward to...Being finished with testing, family time and catching up with some old friends on vacation.
I am learning...more about epilepsy than I ever wanted to know...but thankful for the ability to access information, and thankful for all the advances that have been made in recent years to enable many with epilepsy to live much more normal lives.
Around the house...a little spring cleaning about to happen! :)
I am pondering...Just mulling over and meditating on all the things God has been teaching me lately, and marveling at the way they all fit together and fit with the circumstances of our lives lately. His sovereignty is so amazing!
A favorite quote for today... "Do not become self-sufficient. Self-sufficiency is Satan’s net where he catches men, like poor silly fish, and destroys them. Be not self-sufficient. The way to grow strong in Christ is to become weak in yourself. God pours no power into man’s heart till man’s power is all poured out. Live, then, daily, a life of dependence on the grace of God." ~ Charles Spurgeon
One of my favorite things..."Sonic Dates" with Billy. :) We are entering a new season of life in other ways as well. One of those is being able to leave the kids home by themselves occasionally for short periods of time. There is a Sonic just minutes from our house, and during the stress of the last couple of weeks, it's been good for us to get out by ourselves for a few minutes for a drink run.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Normal school, church, and house stuff, testing, a little spring cleaning, a little vacation prepping, and hopefully in there somewhere, a little resting. We're still recuperating from last week. :)
A peek into my day...
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Actually a peek into yesterday...not the best photo, but a quick shot of everyone minus me on Easter morning. :) |
Please visit Peggy for more about the Simple Woman's Daybook.
Oh, too much to comment on. So thankful for your heart and for what you share.
I am still praying... specifically praying!
I may need to read Peterson's book.
LOVE the Spurgeon quote.
Love you.
I am thinking....so meaningful and insightful...reminded me of my reading yesterday in James 1...about trials building in us character...
My grandmother had epilepsy and in the days of my childhood there wasn't the knowledge and medications of today...she raised 7 children, amazing to me...
I am a list maker, also...
prayers coming your way,
Mama Bear
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