
Multitude Monday...Overflowing Heart

Thankful for the gifts...

* Rain held off...and protection from storms...

* Wonderful worship with my "old" church family, and missing my "now" one...

* Abundant hugs from dear friends from the past...

* Heartzapping sermon from Bro. David...

* Lunch and afternoon visit with two of my very favorite people in the whole wide world...and gifts of sweet-smelling roses and sweet tasting (so yummy!)  cookies, but mostly sweet, sweet friendship over many, many years...

* Anticipation of the 25th anniversary
in just a few months of a church whose beginnings were a huge chapter in my faith journey...what an incredible thing to see where God has brought them in these years!

* Kids' laughter and soaking in love from seldom- seen but much loved friends...
* Sweet sisters snuggling...
* Relaxing sleep...so much needed...
* Super-cool Kroger Marketplace (doesn't take much to entertain these country-mice :))
* Praying friends around the world...
* Sweet notes of encouragement at just the right moment...
*Overflowing heart..

Please visit Ann at www.aholyexperience.com for more Multitude Mondays. (I'm on my tablet and can't figure out how to post the link or graphic...I'll try to fix that and the crazy spacing later. :))

1 comment:

t marie said...

Country mice? FS is larger than the town you are visiting. hahaha (But I do love a Kroger Marketplace).

Sweet post today.