
The Detour is Actually the Road...

Last week, I wrote this in my "Whole New Chapter Daybook" post:

"We know that no matter how much it may seem like one to us, this is not a detour, but actually the route planned for us since before the foundation of the world, by the Author and Creator of all. It is "THE path"...totally unexpected by us, but no surprise at all to the One who holds us in the palm of His hand."

There are days...hours...moments...when I rest securely in that.  Times when my faith is strong and my trust in God's perfect plan is sure.  And then...there are the other times.  Times like this morning.  Times when we see, again, the reality of what we are dealing with clearly, and when we realize that there is much we don't even realize yet about the ways that this epilepsy thing is going to change our lives.  

Thankfully God has provided an understanding husband, the world's most patient friends, and most of all, Himself and His Word to carry me through those times.  And sometimes, He even uses crazy things like YouTube. :)

I've really been enjoying Laura Story's YouTube videos from her new devotional book, What if Your Blessings Come Through Raindrops? lately.   She posted a new one earlier today that was so perfectly timely...

"...and rather than say, 'Why are you doing this?' I'm learning just to open my hand and say, 'God, how might you use this situation in order to glorify yourself all the more?'

For those who aren't familiar with "the story behind the song" of Laura Story's hit song "Blessings", this article tells a little about her husband's brain tumor and the lessons God is teaching them through it: 

While I'd read/heard the story more than once, I had never read this particular article until earlier today. I was struck by her sister's comment that reminded me of mine earlier this week:

“I thought it would all get back to normal,” she [Laura] continues. “Here’s the road… we’re gonna take a detour. About a year into it, my sister said to me, ‘You know, I think the detour is actually the road.’”

A needed reminder today..."the detour is actually the road."

Or, as I've been reminded so often in the last six years..."Nothing is a surprise to God."

All part of His plan, from before the foundation of the world.  I so need to be reminded of that...several times a day sometimes. :)

All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
~ Psalm 139:16

1 comment:

t marie said...


This was MUCH needed.

Thank you.