For Today...April 28, 2010
Outside My Window...Sun peeking out, but still very cool. Our birds are chirping, as always...we so love our very old trees and the birds and squirrels (now very spoiled birds and squirrels, due to Billy's hand feeding...:)) that inhabit them. Workmen are working across the street.
I am Listening to...this week's free download of Page CXVI's "Hymns" album. Ya'll know I love hymns. :) The jury is still out on some of the arrangements...they aren't necessarily my "style", but I think they'll grow on me.
I am Thankful for...a relatively peaceful week.
I am Pondering...the story of Jacob wrestling with God, as I have often pondered in the past few years. Blog post to come with some of those thoughts soon, I hope.
I am Remembering...This week has been a week of remembering very hard days, the faithfulness of God through those days, and the amazing lessons He taught (and is still teaching!) through them.
Noticing...I have a LOT of book reviews coming up in the next couple of months! I need to be reading like a madwoman. :)
I am Reading...starting Holiness, by J. C. Ryle for the Women of the Word book club on Facebook, *still* finishing Love Mercy: A Mother and Daughter's Journey from the American Dream to the Kingdom of God
, by Lisa Samson, for an (overdue...eek!) book review, and starting A Heart Ready to Fly
with the kids this week!
From the Kitchen...It's Wednesday, and supper is well underway in the crockpot...yay!! I have struggled with Wednesday meals ever since our Wednesday schedule changed. I'm finally beginning to "get it together" in that area..whew! Saloon Beef, potatoes, and salad for supper...yum!
On my Mind...Way too much!! I'm in one of those "My mind is swimming" modes at the moment...and trying to sort it all out and find an orderly progression through it!
I am Creating...Looking forward to creating scrapbook pages Friday night!! A friend and I have been trying to get together for months, and I am *so* excited that we finally have a date in ink on the calendar. :) Now I'm just hoping I can stay awake until midnight...I'm getting old, and that's not as easy as it used to be!
From the Learning Rooms...An uninterrupted week of "normal school" this week...those have been rare lately, and we're trying to enjoy it while we can!
One of my Favorite Things...Sitting in the backyard with Billy watching our birds and squirrels and enjoying the beautiful spring weather under our big, old trees.
A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week...Choir x2 tonight, Bridal Shower for a friend tomorrow night :), Scrapbooking Friday night (yay!)
A Photo to Share...
Well, having spent 30 minutes trying to get Blogger's new photo upload tool to let me upload a photo here, I have given up. I'll try again later. :)
Thanks to Peggy at the Simple Woman's Daybook for hosting the Daybook each week!

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Go Gilbert! :)
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