For Today...April 14, 2010
Outside My Window...Sunshine...another beautiful spring day.
I am listening to...the sounds of busy children doing chores, and "He Will Carry Me" by Mark Schultz on my WMP playlist. :)
I am thankful for...our new (to us!) van!! We have been a one-car family for almost six months (that doesn't seem possible!) This was not by any means our first stint at being a one-car family, but I think it was the hardest. For one thing, we learned that being a one-car family with a *van* is one thing...being a one-car family with a not-quite-big-enough car is quite another! We are *so* excited to have room to spread out again (and not have to worry about having enough room for the groceries!)
I am pondering....Bro. Kent's sermon from Sunday morning on Romans 3:18. I love that Bro. Kent's sermons are such that we very often end up "chewing" on them all week. :) Even the kids will often days later bring up some point he made and we'll discuss it. This week's sermon addressed something that has been on my mind often lately...The Fear of God.
Here are a few of my truly rough sermon-note form:
*Our society is proud of not being afraid..."No Fear" everywhere.
*To be fearless is to be foolish...we should fear God.
*Not only is this missing from the heart of unsaved man, but also often from those who claim to be Christians. They (we) know that what they are doing is evil, and they (we) are not afraid.
*"Fear" goes beyond a healthy reverence as we use the term "reverence" is much more intense. "Fear" of God includes the concept of "terror". On the occasions in Scripture when people encounter God...even getting a glimpse of His back, or coming in contact with His angels...their response is MUCH more than our "Sunday morning reverence"; their response always includes terror.
*He is our Awesome, Fearsome Creator...When you encounter God, you know who He is, and who you are, and you aren't God.
*Proper fear of God begins with a proper understanding of Who He Is
*What does your lifestyle say about your fear level of God?
(I know, I said "a few", but that was actually only about half my notes...much I wanted to remember and ponder!)
I am remembering...a wonderful visit with a delightful lady (whose name I don't even know) while waiting (and waiting, and waiting) for our new tires to be installed on Monday. I had had a week of "those" comments (which we rarely get anymore, which may be why they got under my skin so badly...:)) about homeschooling. You know the ones that make you feel like a three headed alien with purple polka dots?? And the ones in which people insinuate that being with your own children all day is worse than a prison sentence?? Yes, those.
So when the lady in the auto center waiting room asked the kids about school and they said, "We homeschool", my protective hackles went up. :) What a treat to hear her respond that her daughter homeschools her six children in Texas, and then to listen to her talk about all the things she loves about homeschooling and how proud she is of her grandchildren! (The oldest just graduated from college and the 2nd oldest is in engineering school.) The kids and I thoroughly enjoyed talking to her, and it was such a refreshing change from the conversations of the preceding week!
Noticing that...I am spoiled. Really spoiled. I have fussed all week about how busy we have been and how little we have been home. Most of what we have been out doing has been enjoyable or at least for a good purpose (i.e. waiting for tires for the van wasn't particularly pleasant, but finally having a van, and doing what was necessary to be safe and comfortable was a good thing!), and yet I have missed our uninterrupted time at home. But I've been reminded over and over again during this time how spoiled we are to have that time...our family is pretty rare, I think, in not having tons of outside obligations and being able to be at home as much as we are, at least in this season! We've had busier seasons in the past, and probably will again, but for now, I'm thankful that this type of week has been the exception for us, and not the rule.
I am reading...pretty much the same "stack" I was reading last week! All that "running" has cut into my reading time. :)
From the kitchen...planning to incorporate a new idea from an online friend into our days soon...a 15 minute (give or take a bit :)) food prep time with the kids immediately after lunch. We may start supper during that time, do a quick bulk cooking project, or make a batch of something for snacks that week. I love this idea! I'll try to remember to report back how it works. :)
On my mind...This link posted by a friend on Facebook. It's truly disturbing to me that our nation's Declaration of Independence is too "offensive" to post on a classroom wall. Particularly considering some of the things that were apparently allowed to *stay* on the walls of this same school!
I am creating...There has been very little time for "creating" lately, but I have high hopes for the upcoming week! I'm hoping to make (sorely needed!!) new curtains for the bathroom this weekend for starters. We'll see how that goes. :)
From the learning rooms...In the very early stages of planning an "art camp" for our kids and some friends this summer. I've just begun to research and toss around ideas, but we are getting very excited! :) Watch for more to come on this...
Around the house...Planning to make curtains for the bathroom this weekend (I hope!) and *still* working on the Great Spring Clothes Swap (because we haven't had time to *start* it yet! :)).
One of my favorite things...encouraging words from a friend. :)
A few plans for the tonight, bloodwork done at the drs. office tomorrow (UGHHHH!! :)) and a few random errands, hopefully home again on Friday, and then drop-offs for the Spring Growing Kids Sale on Saturday.
A picture to share...
We ♥ our library!! Love the convenience of the online catalog, reservations, and renewals. Love that they know us and will say "We've got a stack of books up here for you!" when we walk in the door. :) Love the fact that it is five minutes from our house! Love *so* many things about it. And now it's even better, with the opening of the new "Dewey's Cafe". As a special treat this week, we shared smoothies and scones and rested for a bit during a long afternoon of errands yesterday. Fun!!
For more Daybooks, visit Peggy's blog!

1 comment:
i love the snap :)
My Day Book
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