Outside My Window...Sunny, cool, a beautiful spring day.
I am Listening to...silence. Children are still asleep; the house is peaceful. Not for long, though! (I also just realized that the noise that almost propelled me out of my chair earlier was the sonic boom from the space shuttle! :))
I am Thankful for...two answered prayers for our family this week...things we've been praying for for literally years. God is so good to remind us of His faithfulness, provision, and sovereignty just when we need to be reminded most!
I am Pondering...something Lyndel said last night in choir rehearsal. He laughed about the fact that he was "talking a lot" last night, but I love the nights when he does. I always learn from his wisdom (and usually laugh at his jokes. :-D) Last night, in addition to the "quote of the night" ("I know the Bible says to 'SHOUT to the Lord'...just not on this song.'" :-D), he told us to think about all the beautiful music there is in the world...and then think about the fact that the music in Heaven is going to be MUCH more beautiful than all of it! Isn't that an incredible thought? I've heard some pretty amazing music on earth...what a thought that it is only a tiny taste of the music in Heaven. Wow.
I am Remembering...Miss Mary. She's been on my mind a lot this week...maybe because I'm headed into a season of creative projects? She was a huge influence in my life in so many ways, in addition to just being so much FUN. I miss her so much...especially that wonderful laugh!
Noticing...a disturbing trend among some Christian authors/speakers/etc. There seems to be a belief circulating that one can't believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, that sin is sin and that man is totally depraved without Christ, that Jesus is the only way to heaven, and that salvation is by grace through faith alone, *AND* care about the poor, the needy, the oppressed. The insinuation (which is sometimes more than an insinuation) is that those who truly care about the poor, the needy, and the oppressed have somehow moved "beyond" these beliefs, and that one can't truly call sin "sin" and still love and minister to the sinner. I have many more thoughts on this topic...hopefully it will have a blog post of its own soon.
I am Reading...Oh, my...still working on the same *stack*, with new book review books coming in to add to it! My reading time has been severely curtailed in the past couple of weeks; hopefully that is over and I'm going to fly through this stack!
From the Kitchen...Planning our two-week grocery list, and working on making our kitchen healthier. There are times we do better in that regard, and times we do...well, not better. :) Busy seasons send me scrambling for more processed, convenience, "junk" foods...and we are really trying to move *away* from that type of eating. We are working on a gradual (*very* gradual) move toward more "whole foods" eating. Right now we're trying to plan the best ways to do that in keeping with our budget and time constraints. Hopefully I'll be posting more about this as we continue to research and transition...
On my Mind...a song Lyndel introduced in choir last week that has quickly become one of my new favorites. It has been "stuck in my head" (in a good way, not that "I have this cheesy commercial jingle stuck in my head and I can't get rid of it" way. ;-)) all week. I can't find a good video with vocal, but this is a beautiful piano arrangement...
Hide Away in the Love of Jesus
1. Come weary saints, though tired and weak
Hide away in the love of Jesus
Your strength will return by His quiet streams
Hide away in the love of Jesus
2. Come wand’ring souls, and find your home
Hide away in the love of Jesus
He offers the rest that you yearn to know
Hide away in the love of Jesus
Hear Him calling your name
See the depths of His love
in the wounds of His grace
Hide away
3. Come guilty ones, weighed down with sin
Hide away in the love of Jesus
The freedom you long for is found in Him
Hide away in the love of Jesus
Hear Him calling your name
See the depths of His love
in the wounds of His grace
Hide away
4. Come hopeless hearts, do not despair
Hide away in the love of Jesus
For ten thousand joys await you there
Hide away in the love of Jesus
~ Steve and Vikki Cook
I am Creating...plans to create! Spring and early summer always seem to be filled with opportunities for creativity around here. Coming up: a wedding :), a Mother/Daughter Tea at church, and VBS decor/crafts, among other things.
From the Learning Rooms...Still working on a plan for our summer art camp week...more on that soon, I hope!
One of my Favorite Things...Tulips! Especially bargain tulips my husband brings home from the grocery store. I have always loved tulips...someday I'd love to have a yard-full. For now, I'm content with a vase-full every so often. :)
A Few Plans for the Week...Working my shift at the Growing Kids' Sale tomorrow night, two-week grocery shopping tomorrow or Saturday, possibly meeting out-of-town friends for a quick visit tomorrow :)
A Photo to Share...
Another shot of the tulips...:)
For more Daybook entries, visit Peggy at The Simple Woman's Daybook.

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