
Thankful today...

The post I'd planned for today has been postponed due to the fact that I oh-so-gracefully whacked my head on the car door frame at church tonight and my head is throbbing and my eyes are crossing and it hurts worse if I try to think. So this is a "I'd just wait until tomorrow except that I'm signed up for NaNoBloPo and I need to post everyday" post. Two posts in a row with out pictures. Sorry about that. I promise the rest of the month won't be this bad!

But thankfulness is always a good thing, and despite the lump on my head, I'm very thankful tonight. It's been a wonderful, if exhausting, weekend, and I've been counting blessings tonight. (Well, not literally counting, because numbers hurt right now. Listing. Seeing mental pictures. But not counting. :))

Thankful tonight for...


The Truth of God's Word

My husband, who works so hard to take good care of us, and who spoils us all whenever he can.

My children, who just delight me more and more the older they get. I've said before that I miss having littles sometimes, but oh, what a blessing and what fun bigs are!! We've had some great conversations, serious and fun, this week, and I love it!

Our sweet church family. Love that even though my kids are the only kids in our little church right now, they came home from tonight's fellowship talking about how much they enjoyed everyone sitting around telling stories and laughing. I enjoyed it, too! Laughter is good for the soul. Love those people. Love the bond we have in Christ. Love the eating and the laughter and the prayers and the caring.

Our pastor and his wife. We missed them tonight. Poor Mrs. Becky fell yesterday and sprained both ankles, so Bro. Gary spent the afternoon at the dr. with her today. Pray for her, please? I've had a broken ankle three different times, but I can't IMAGINE having both messed up at once!

Friends. I think I must be the most blessed person ever in this area. Thankful for time spent with friends this week and the blessing they are to me!

Our new Green Belt, and Christ First TKD. More about this in another post. God continues to show us the truth of 2 Corinthians 12:8-10, and we are thankful.

Our homeschool group(s). So many amazing people who've blessed us in so many ways over the years. Thankful for the support and encouragement they bring.

Music. We sang some new-to-me hymns this morning in church, and I was reminded again how thankful I am for the heritage of music I've had in my family and churches, and for a church and music director who treasure the rich truth of solid hymns. 

The gym. Really thankful for this provision for our family. We're all getting stronger and healthier and having a lot of fun!  Only making it once this week has reminded me how much better I feel and function when I work out regularly.

There's more, but I'll close on that note for tonight. Going to put on some essential oils (another thing I'm thankful for!) and go to bed and pray that my head feels better (and my brain is less foggy!) tomorrow.

What are you thankful for today? Share in the comments, please? 

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