I had been waiting for the perfect opportunity to make Pioneer Woman's Olive Cheese Bread ever since I first saw the recipe. For those who have seen the wonderful reviews but not tried it yet, let me just tell you...YES. It IS as good as they say it is. The one thing I *don't* agree with...her assessment of this as "Chick Food". The guys out-ate the girls on this stuff hands-down. :-D HOWEVER....I must add this...the olive-cheese mixture is actually even better *before* it is cooked than it is cooked. Absolutely delicious. Next time I'm making it as a cheese ball and serving it with crackers. (Or a spoon. Depending on if I share. ;-))
Btw...I think my olive-cheese bread picture ended up sideways. Can you tell I am way behind on blog posts and trying frantically to get a couple in before we head to church?!
Oh that does look good.
Hope you guys had a great Christmas.
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