As I said in my Ahhh....Monday post, last week was quite a full one. Today I am trying get caught up, mentally and physically. This will be another full week, but hopefully busier at home than elsewhere, other than preparation for the children's Christmas musical next Sunday. Here's the game plan for the week:
Bible Study
This week I plan to work through a short Bible Study from Revive Our Hearts on How to Endure Suffering, along with some other resources I hope to share later in the week. The children and I will be going through the Week of Prayer for International Missions prayer guide (the WoP was actually last week, but we weren't able to do this last week.) They are memorizing the Christmas story from Luke 2, and learning a variety of Christmas carols. We plan to learn the hymn stories of several of our favorite Christmas carols this week as well.
Home Blessing
I have two main goals this week. First, we *still* do not have our Christmas tree up! We still have some re-arranging to do in the living room to accomodate the tree...so we plan to work on that early tomorrow and put up our tree tomorrow evening. Second, I'm ready to get our dining room/schoolroom redo *moving*, so we are going to work hard on the remaining *prerequisite* work on that this week.
Holiday Planning
We got sidetracked last week celebrating birthdays, so this week we must get back to Christmas! I need to assess where I am giftwise, finish shopping, get the tree up, and work on the small handmade things I'm making. The kids and I plan to work on ornaments for a while each morning this week.
Some of these are *must dos*, some are *want tos*, and some have just been on my *to do* list so long I really want to get them crossed off this week!
*Get my mom's internet connected.
*Sewing machine working (I *still* have not done this and I *must*. Ugh!)
*Update blog--new header, organize sidebars and categories
*Burn photos from hard drive to disk
*Library (Tuesday)
*Paint bookcase in living room
*Practice piano!!!!! (Music for the children's musical next Sunday :))
Menu Plan Monday
*Cheeseburger Soup and No-Knead Bread
*Bacon Chicken, Cheesy Cream Cheese Potatoes, green beans
*Talarima, salad, biscuits
*Enchiladas, Rice, and Beans
To see what others are doing this week, visit Tiany at Less of Me, More of Him. Then pop over to Orgjunkie for great menu ideas!
How do you make Cheeseburger Soup?
Hope you have a great week!
I understand about th December birthdays. We had one last week and 2 next week. Have a blessed week.
It looks like you have a full plate. Please take the time and "breathe". Don't stress yourself, if you don't get everything done.
Bacon chicken sounds good!
My Menu Plan is up too! :)
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