
Daybook Monday

It's been a good-but-crazy month.  I successfully completed Blogathon (blog post re-cap coming soon!), we did camp and VBS at Oak Cliff (at least one and possibly two more posts coming soon), Bayley completed her first 5k (along with Billy, who hadn't done a race in a while), we've spent time with friends and church family, and in between, just done our normal work/church/chores/life thing.

We had a great 4-day holiday weekend.  But over the weekend, I began to sag. Actually, there wasn't much "beginning to sag" about it...I went from going full-speed-ahead on Thursday to getting up Friday and realizing I had hit the wall...hard.

I rested as much as possible Friday and Saturday, and then we had a great Sunday of worship and fellowship yesterday.

Then I went to bed and woke up and it was Monday.


Time to get back to "routine"...to catch up chores and housework and laundry...to finish planning needed to start our summer term of school later this week...to make a menu and use up the food in the kitchen that needs to be used up this week...to regroup on the blog after the frenzy of Blogathon...to catch up with people I need to catch up with...and in general, just to get life back in order!

I've managed to have my Bible study, reboot my To Do list, and get started on chores with the kids this morning, but I've struggled with feeling frazzled all day. Do you ever have those Mondays?  The ones where you just feel like you  can't quite catch up with yourself?  Please tell me it isn't just me!

I decided today would be a good Monday for a Daybook post.  I haven't done one in a while.

Outside my window...Sunny.  Hot.  Too hot.  I was loving the unseasonably mild weather we were having. It feels like July now.  I'd be just fine if it never felt like July.  But I'm thankful for the little reprieve we had! 

I am thinking...Pondering several things from yesterday's messages:
  • From John 10:24 "Even in their evil plan, God's plan is bigger! (God had already planned to use their evil plan to arrest Jesus to accomplish His bigger plan of salvation.)
  • A.W. Pink quote ~ "Man always turns the things of God upside down." (Just had a conversation about this very thing with my oldest daughter last week.)
  • Loved this quote from Bro. Gary ~ "You may fall from time to time, but know this, people: You're going to live forever with the One who's holding you up!"  (Jesus's hand is under us, holding us up, God's hand is above us, securing us in, and NOTHING can snatch us away!)
  • From last night (our first session on "What Makes a Baptist Church" in preparation for constituting as an independent church in the fall!): "We must believe and obey.  There are lots of Baptists (and others) who say they believe, but they don't obey the Word."
I am thankful...for a great holiday weekend, and especially for Bayley and Billy's safe and successful completion of the Freedom Fest 5k Thursday morning!

In the kitchen...Mini-cheesecakes, over the weekend...blogging them soon!

I am creating...lists. menus. order. simple little pieces of Washi cheer. :)

I am going...as little as possible this week.  Needing time to recharge and regroup and get life back in order.

I am reading...Mary Beth Whalen's The Wishing Tree as my bedtime fiction reading. On the list for this week is a stack of books I'm working on for the third installment of a series I've been writing at  Home School Toolbox  on teaching creativity.  More about that soon! 

I am hoping...for another "cool" spell soon. :)  Ten-day forecast is predicting low nineties again by the end of the week.  I'm hoping that's true!

I am looking forward to...Southern Soul Sunday this Sunday at Grace Baptist Lavaca!! Local friends...we're going to have enough southern soul food for a small army...message me for details...we'd love to have you!

Around the house...Catching up. Restoring order. Moving out of the survival mode of the last few weeks.

I am pondering...Mary DeMuth's post Choose Rest or Have it Chosen for You. Its timing was perfect, as I've had unusual-for-me difficulty the last few days dealing with my body's need...demand...for rest.  I am grateful to have made it through the last few weeks without crashing sooner.  But...at the same time, I've struggled with feeling like a wimp, with not being able to do what others do. I needed this reminder today.

A favorite quote for today...Love this one from Scotty Smith, "Don't be surprised when God's grace, simultaneously, disrupts your life and delights your bones."

One of my favorite things...Unexpected sweet messages from friends. They make my day!

A few plans for the rest of the week: Planning. :) Cleaning. Schooling. Resting. And then 2-week shopping on Friday and Southern Soul Sunday on Sunday. :)

A peek into my day...

Linking up with the Simple Woman's Daybook today.

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