
Things That Make me Smile...Thankful Thursday

Nothing serious or deep today...just a quick list of little things I'm thankful for today...very random, certainly not all-inclusive, and definitely not in any order...things that make me smile:

1. Blueberries
2. 50% off sales at Hobby Lobby
3. A letter in the mail "just because"
4. My husband's grilled country-style ribs 
5. Cottage-style decorating magazines
6. "Perfect" quotes
7. Beautiful fabric...especially tiny floral prints, ginghams, toile, and plaids
8. Hymns
9. Dirt cheap used books (well, actually any used books, or any new books, but even better if I get a "really good deal"
10. Hugs
11. My husband's smile
12. Happy Hour at Sonic
13. My children's giggles
14. A fresh new notebook
15. A bucket full of Sharpies
16. A Bible verse you know you must have read before that hits you in a whole new way
17. Tulips
18. The laughter of friends

What makes you smile?

To participate in Thankful Thursday,  head over to Lynn's


Denise said...

Such a great thankful list.

i said...

What a nice list! I too am thankful for cottage style decorating magazines LOL! I love to gaze at all the beautiful pictures of old rustic country charm. It's a form of escape from the reality of err..cluttered and messy house LOL!

Melissa said...

Your list made me smile, too! Thank you!