"I know a lot less about God,
but the things I know about God, I know a whole lot more for sure."
~Steven Curtis Chapman
on Larry King Live after the tragic death of his daughter Maria
Please join us here tomorrow (Tuesday) for In "Other" Words! I'm looking forward to hosting and to reading your thoughts on the above quote...it's been a very meaningful one to me in the last few years.
If you are new to IOW, we'd love to have you join us. Just post your thoughts on the above quote on your blog, and then come back here to link to your post (be sure to copy and paste the link to the actual post, not your main blog link). Then visit the other participating blogs to see what others share!
(Note: If you come in the morning and the IOW post isn't up yet, please check back mid-morning Central time. I had planned to have a post ready to auto-post at midnight tonight, but today's schedule has been a bit derailed by a sick child. I'll finish my post and have Mr. Linky up as soon as possible in the morning...I'm sorry for any inconvenience!)