
Belated Birthday Photos :)

The birthday wasn't belated, but the photos certainly are!  For some reason I've had a terrible time getting these posted, but I am *determined* to get them done before I post any other of the several posts on my "to be posted" list. :)

Again, the photos are completely out of order...my brain is too tired and my "to do" list too packed today to worry about getting them in order. :)

First photo of the day... :)

Ammah Grace loves to play with Peter's Lego.  She was so excited to have her own set...and in pink, no less! 

This was actually at her birthday dinner.  We went to Lone Star with Mamoe.  (The complimentary birthday dessert is big enough for the whole family. :))

One of her favorite presents...she *loves* to help in the kitchen (and help Daddy grill)!

Peter made this jewelry set for her.  He's such a good big brother!

Opening the chef set...

I can't believe she is 5! :)

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