
Bedtime Blessings

Planning to blog more tomorrow about the "big blessings" of the day, but for now, just thought I'd share a few "bedtime blessings" as I head that direction...

* An empty space on the calendar tomorrow...
* No alarm in the morning...
* Billy home tomorrow after working all weekend and late several nights this week...yay!!
* Forecast low tonight: 58 degrees!!!!!  (Yes, that digit in tens place is a "5"!!)
* Forecast high tomorrow: 81 degrees!!!!! (Yes, that digit in tens place is an "8"!!  Praying that the       Summer 2011 Heatwave is officially OVER!!)
* A good book to read as I head off to bed...

Tune in tomorrow for more on the "bigger blessings" of the day!

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