
It's September 3rd Again...

Mother and Daddy would have been married 51 years today.  Hard to believe it's been 7 years since their 44th anniversary...the last one they would spend together.  Daddy's health had just begun a sudden, sharp decline, and we were all realizing that we were more than likely experiencing the beginning of the end.  I keep thinking I'll come up with an original anniversary post, but then I realize that the one I've posted for the last two years pretty much says it all...perhaps it will just become an anniversary blog tradition. :)  Here it is...

Although I obviously wasn't there :), I have many memories of the day...stories I've heard a hundred times such as the wedding having to be moved to First Baptist because Immanuel burned just before their wedding, and how my dad set the date in September because his parents had said that whoever got married first got their piano...and his sister was getting married in December :).

I am thankful today for the gift of Godly parents. Parents who weren't perfect, but who sought to model a genuine walk with Christ in our home, and who demonstrated to me the meaning of unconditional love. Parents who sacrificed much for their children in every area. Parents from whom I "caught" a love for God's Word and His church...who taught faithfulness and dependability and servanthood by their words *and* their actions. Parents who were anything but risk-takers, but who in spite of many uncertainties stepped out in faith to homeschool their children in a time when those were very uncharted (and unpopular!) waters.

I know I've posted this link before, but today seems an appropriate day to post it again. Not only is it just a story I love, told in the way only Mr. James can tell a story...but it is such a good reminder to me about God's sovereignty and perfect timing. Today as I look at situations in our family, and in the lives of others we love that don't make sense, that seem so "wrong" or "unfair", I am reminded again that God is working for our good, always.

An Old Fashioned Love Story

1 comment:

  1. I read this again today. (Sigh) Such sweet memories you have.

    (And thanks for the much needed reminder at the end.)
