
Multitude Monday ~ Simple Things

Joining with Ann today in remembering the gifts...simple things on this laid-back Labor Day Monday...

~ Cooler weather...not supposed to reach the 90s again for a week!

~ Billy off today...relaxing family time

~ Birds in the backyard...and time and weather to enjoy them again :)

~ Amazing worship, awesome sermon, and wonderful fellowship yesterday (and as Chad said, a "big bone to chew on" from the sermon yesterday morning)

~ Kids creating in preparation for the fair

~ Wildflowers

~ Praying friends, and the privilege of being a praying friend in return

~ Breezes off the lake

~ Picnics

~ Stacks of schoolbooks

~ Drives with no real destination

~ A full calendar, which sometimes doesn't seem like a gift, but which represents family, friends, fellowship, fun, ministry, learning, and enrichment.

~ Bedtime blankets

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