
Just Photos...

Random recent backyard photos...

One of Billy's spoiled squirrels...He is balanced on his back feet eating here...

Brown Thrasher

High-Wire Artist :)

We love our cardinals!  I nearly turned my toes into ice cubes on this night trying to get a shot of this  male cardinal feeding his mate...so neat, but never managed to get the right shot...

One of Ammah Grace's Blue Jays...her favorites!


Playing in the "Pool"

The Eurasian Collared Doves are some of my favorite backyard birds...they are so beautiful!!

Taking Flight...

A whole tree-full!!  Shortly after this, one of this pair of Eurasian Collared Doves was hit by a car.  Its mate returns to our yard to eat every morning and evening...all alone.  It always makes me a little sad.  :-(

Tallulah, our backyard possum :)

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