
Sunday Song...

Holy Bible, Book Divine
Holy Bible, book divine,
Precious treasure, thou art mine;
Mine to tell me whence I came;
Mine to teach me what I am;

Mine to chide me when I rove;
Mine to show a Saviour's love;
Mine thou art to guide and guard;
Mine to punish or reward;

Mine to comfort in distress,
Suff'ring in this wilderness;
Mine to show by living faith,
Man can triumph over death;

Mine to tell of joys to come,
And the rebel sinner's doom;
O thou holy book divine,
Precious treasure, you are mine.

~ John Burton, Sr. 

Seems like its been years since I've heard the above hymn.  Until this morning, that is.  A friend sang it in church this morning, and I was struck by the power and truth of the words.  It was mentioned that someone said that this song always makes them think of VBS...I agree!  It's another of those songs that brings back vivid memories of Bro. Roy's voice, leading the music in the VBS Morning Rally in the Chapel at FBC, Conway. 

Powerful song...
                          Precious memories...
                                                            Treasured Book!

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