
Memories, Miracles, and Bro. Roy...

I walked into the auditorium for choir rehearsal last night (late as usual, after getting things squared away from our children's choir promotion party...) and had a sudden flashback to my childhood.  The choir was singing John W. Peterson's "It Took a Miracle", which I haven't heard in...well, years, maybe...and suddenly I was back at FBC Conway listening to Bro. Roy.

Bro. Roy was our Minister of Education for all of my growing up years, and he and his wife, Mrs. Jimmie, were also dear friends and two of the most influential people in my life outside of my parents.   He is also on my short list of "People I Love(d) to Hear Sing Most in the World". :)  There are certain songs...hymns, mostly, that I cannot sing or hear without *almost* audibly hearing Bro. Roy's clear, beautiful tenor voice singing them.  "It Took a Miracle" is one of those songs.

          My Father is omnipotent
          And that you can’t deny;
          A God of might and miracles;
          'Tis written in the sky. 
          It took a miracle to put the stars in place;
          It took a miracle to hang the world in space.
          But when He saved my soul,
          Cleansed and made me whole,
          It took a miracle of love and grace! 
          Though here His glory has been shown,
          We still can’t fully see
          The wonders of His might, His throne;
          'Till eternity. 
          It took a miracle to put the stars in place;
          It took a miracle to hang the world in space.
          But when He saved my soul,
          Cleansed and made me whole,
          It took a miracle of love and grace! 
          The Bible tells us of His power
          And wisdom all way through;
          And every little bird and flower
          Are testimonies too. 
          It took a miracle to put the stars in place;
          It took a miracle to hang the world in space.
          But when He saved my soul,
          Cleansed and made me whole,
          It took a miracle of love and grace!                              

                                        ~ John W. Peterson

I love this story of how this hymn came to be written...what a testimony in story and song!  God's creation is such an awesome and evident display of His power and love.   

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