
His Eye is On the Sparrow!

I am utterly and completely overwhelmed today. As I said in a post a couple of weeks ago,

The last couple of days have been rough. We're all okay, and no big, bad major event has happened (in fact, there's been some good, happy stuff in the mix!:)), just a whole lot of general life yuck and then Satan hurling some fiery darts into the whole mess. 

Again...no big, bad major event, and some good, happy stuff going on, but the life yuck in various areas continues and Satan is attacking with a vengeance.

Part of the overwhelm is the degree to which many of those close to us are experiencing trials right now. Just yesterday, three friends who were already going through hardship were hit hard with additional difficulty. As I prayed for them yesterday, the song, "His Eye is On the Sparrow" kept playing through my head. 

I actually got to sit in the back yard and take some bird pictures yesterday for the first time in ages and ages. Our super-rainy spring brought mass quantities of bugs and then the heat hit and...you get the picture. Not much that was terribly conducive to enjoying time relaxing in the yard. :)

Yesterday, though, I went out for a few minutes early in the day when a friend called on the phone. Our house is small and limited on privacy, so the back porch is a good escape when I need to talk uninterrupted. I realized while I was out there that at that time, it was cooler outside than it was in the part of the house I'd been in, so I decided to take my camera and stay for a bit. :)

I haven't had time to edit those photos yet, but I took a number of sparrow pictures. Sparrows are not the most exciting birds to photograph, mostly because they are so incredibly common. There are sparrows everywhere. 

I've always loved that sparrows are specifically named in the Bible as a picture of God's care for us. That God would use this mundane little bird to remind us how much He cares for us just overwhelms me in a totally different way. 

Over the years, I've taken hundreds of photos of sparrows. I've published several of them on this blog and on my photo blog. I thought I'd share a few today to remind myself  of God's faithfulness and are even in the midst of the yuck and overwhelm. Perhaps you need those reminders, too? 

I'd love to hear your thoughts! It makes my day to hear from you, in the comments here or on the Facebook page, or by private message either place. 

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