It's the last day of Blogathon. I have to publish a post in the next five hours in order to be able to say I completed the 2014 June Blogathon challenge. And this year has been a challenge for sure! There have been nights I have blogged through sheer, absolute exhaustion, but I have made it, 29 days in a row.
And an hour ago I wondered if I was going to have to admit defeat 6 hours and one post before the finish line.
I used to have horrid migraine-intensity headaches quite frequently. In the last few years, those headaches have happened much less often. Typically if I'm going to have one, I'll wake up with it. It's rare for one to hit later in the day.
The last few weeks, though, the mid-and-late-day headaches have begun to strike again. One hit tonight...hard. Today has been crazy...catching up from the utter chaos of last week (my mom's accident, my working for her, Billy being on vacation, etc., etc.), paying bills, and trying to get in a "real" workout at the gym, after the helter-skelter workouts of last week.
I got home from the gym, fixed a quick sandwich and salad supper for those who were home at the time, sat down in my chair and realized, "I could go to sleep right now." I know that part of that is the heat...I don't do heat well anymore...and I also realized that part of it was that I woke up at 4 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep.
Even since I started this post, I've caught myself nodding off at my desk. But I am determined to finish out this month...I'm too close to quit now! So...we'll wrap up this month's Blogathon with another Simple Woman's Daybook post, and then I'm ready for some quality time with my pillow! :)
30 June 2014
Outside my window...sunny and hot.
I am thinking...about this Spurgeon quote Bro. Gary shared last night:
It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply.
I couldn't help but think about the timeliness of that reminder. Eight years ago Wednesday, our world exploded. God hurt us deeply. More deeply than we could ever have dreamed. But oh, how He has blessed! Through the darkest of those days, He showed us Himself in ways I don't know that we could ever have seen otherwise. He continues to remind us of His sovereignty, faithfulness, goodness, and love.
And I am thankful...for the blessing of that hurt, and those constant reminders!
In the kitchen...once again, working on reducing our food waste. We get busy, I get sidetracked, and we end up tossing way too much. I hate it!! And with the price of groceries going up every day, we need to be better stewards of our resources.
I am exercise capris and a black t-shirt
I am creating...I hope I'm going to do a better job of creating ICADS (Index Card A Day) in July than I did in June! I'm hoping to do all 31 days in July. I need the creative challenge! Ammah Grace has been doing really well with hers, though, and I'm looking forward to posting pictures of hers soon!
I am wondering...if I'm really going to finish this post by midnight, lol! Tonight has been full of interruptions, and my brain is mush to begin with.
I am reading...working my way through this list of books. I'm hoping my head settles enough to get in a bit of reading before bed. I'm a bit behind, with June almost over!
I am hoping...all is well across the street. As I was typing this post, we heard sirens, and suddenly there were four fire trucks across the street and down a couple of houses. However, there aren't any visible flames, and the firemen don't seem to be moving with urgency. Hoping it was a false alarm or a small kitchen fire that was easily doused.
And hoping that we are done with the excitement around here for a while! The police have been here twice this week (they got the wrong address when they came to arrest a neighbor at 3:45 a.m. the other morning, and then were back the next day when our mower was stolen right off our porch.) Craziness!
I am looking forward to...celebrating Independence Day on Friday!
I am learning...a lot about the science of exercise/fitness! I've mentioned before that I'm a researcher at heart, and anytime we start something new, I dig into the research. :) Right now it's all about weights, physical fitness, and fueling the body before and after workouts.
Around the house...catching up from our "vacation" week last week. :) Enough said!
I am pondering...plans for the second half of 2014! Not only am I working on plans for the new month that begins tomorrow, but I'm also making plans for the rest of the year. I hope to share more about that soon!
A favorite quote for today...
~Martyn Lloyd-Jones via Scotty Smith
One of my favorite things...watching Bay prepare for VBS. She is lead teacher for the 5 year old class this year, and she has worked so hard putting things together. Makes me teary sometimes to see the work God is doing in her life! :)
A few plans for the rest of the week:
Helping Bay finish the last of her VBS plans
TKD Tuesday and Thursday
Normal chores, school, and church stuff
Gym at least 3 more days
Independence Day cookout with our church family Friday :)
A photo to share...
It's 9:19 p.m., and I'm just about to hit "publish" on the last post of the June 2014 Blogathon. Can I get a WhoooHooo????!!!! I would do a happy dance, but my headache is trying to come back, so I think I'll just say "YAAAAAAYYYY" without moving my head at all, or even making very much noise. :)
What's going on in your life this week? I'd love to hear about it in the comments here or on Facebook!
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Welcome to Ponderings of an Elect Exile!
Whether you are new here or a faithful friend and regular reader, I'm glad you're here!
If you aren't already following, I'd love to have you join us for the 2014 Ponderings. It's easy to do, in a variety of ways!
You can follow via Facebook, Twitter, and/or Pinterest, or find me on Instagram as Jenbh68. You can also sign up in the sidebar to receive new posts by email.
Linking up with the Simple Woman's Daybook. Thanks to Peggy for hosting!