
12 Days of Treats {Chocolate Chip Cookies}

I've decided to try something fun for the next couple of weeks on the blog...12 Days of Tasty Treats for the holidays. We'll see how it goes...consistent blogging doesn't always work the way I hope and plan. *Sigh* :)   Hopefully, though, this will give me a bit of a push to actually make the treats I plan to make and then blog them. 

I'm starting out today with a pretty basic, simple recipe...but sometimes basic and simple is good when you're looking for something tried and true.  There are hundreds...probably thousands...of chocolate chip cookie recipes out there, but this one from the folks at KitchenAid definitely qualifies as "tried and true".  

This was the first recipe I made after we were gifted with our new mixer this summer, and I think I've made them at least once a week....and sometimes more...since.  My children have decided they are the best chocolate chip cookies *ever*. :)  

Chocolate Chip Cookies

1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened {My son says "No margarine!" :)}
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
3 cups flour
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
12 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Combine butter, sugars, eggs, and vanilla in mixer bowl.  Beat with flat beater 30 seconds on speed 2.  Stop and scrape bowl and beat 30 seconds on speed 4.  

Mix baking soda, salt, and flour.  Add to mixer bowl gradually while beating on stir speed for 2 minutes.  Stop and scrape bowl, then mix on speed two for 30 seconds.  Scrape bowl again, add chocolate chips, and mix on stir speed for 15 seconds.  

Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls onto baking sheet about 2 inches apart.  Bake 8-10 minutes.  Let cookies sit for 1 minute before removing to wire rack.  

{Dough keeps well in refrigerator for several days.}

Did you know...that in addition to all the buzz today about it being 12-12-12 (and yes, I took a picture of the kids at 12:12 on 12-12-12...but they made me promise not to post it online! :)), today is also Lottie Moon's birthday?   And did you know that Lottie Moon was known as the "Cookie Lady"?  The Chinese people didn't trust this foreign lady, so she decided to make cookies for them to gain their trust.  At first they thought the cookies were poisoned, so they wouldn't eat them, but in time they realized that the cookies were delicious and the lady was kind, and the door was opened for Lottie to share Jesus with them.  I think we'll try Lottie's cookie recipe for tomorrow's "12 Days of Treats" post!

I'd love to hear from you!!  I'd love to hear about your favorite holiday treats in the comments section.  Also...a friend and I are on a quest for a great recipe for cornmeal biscuits (similar to the Grands Cornmeal Biscuits that apparently aren't made anymore).  If you have a great cornmeal biscuit recipe, we'd love to try it!  You can post in the comments or email me using the email link in the "About Me" section.  

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