
Favorite Posts of 2011, part 2

The 2nd installment in this week's "Favorite Posts of 2011" series...

Happy 76th Birthday, Lake Catherine! ~ One of our favorite spots celebrates 76 years...

So Why the Squirrels? ~ The story behind all the bushy-tailed critters around here...

Lessons from a Lakeside Getaway ~ A few observations from our spring travels...

It's All Good ~ Thoughts on a favorite and very familiar verse..."Our suffering is going to result in the praise and honor and glory of God!  And it is going to result, as I keep being reminded this week, in our being purified as gold is refined in fire.  And He gives 'joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory' in the midst of what we think of as the 'bad'.  What could be better than all that?!"

When God Becomes Real ~ Reflections on a John MacArthur quote..."And the  Apostle Paul said embrace your suffering, embrace the pain, because in it you're perfected, in it you are matured.  In it you learn to pray more intensely and you draw nearer to the Lord.  In it you're going to find grace poured into your life..."  

See Part 1 of Favorite Posts of 2011 here

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