
Favorite Posts of 2011, Part 1

I've recently noticed various bloggers doing "best of 2011" posts, and thought perhaps that would be fun to do here, too.  In typical form, I had a hard time limiting my favorite posts from last year to just a few, so I've decided to do a week-long series...5 favorites from 2011 per day.  Hope you enjoy! (Full-size photos,full text, and additional photos can be seen in original posts by clicking on the links here.) 

focused on Glory...Moon ~ Sometimes we are so focused on the glory we want to see, we miss that which is right in front of us...

Happy Birthday, Peter ~ The boy's 14th birthday!

Thankful for the Scars ~ Thoughts on the truth of this quote..."In my deepest wound I saw your glory, and it dazzled me." ~ St. Augustine

Stay Thy Heart ~ In all circumstances, see Him in it all...

The Music and the Gifts ~ Memories, pencil scratches, and the gift of music...

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