
Yumm! :)

I've been planning to make these ever since I ran across the link on Pinterest a while back...and finally made them in honor of Sweetest Day yesterday.  I just about trashed the whole batch...during the second freezing, I opened the freezer door and the whole tray fell out!   About half of them were unsalvageable, and the other half didn't end up being as pretty as they started out...but they were worth it!  They got rave reviews from Billy *and* the kids, and we are planning to make another batch this week (hopefully a *full* batch!)..

We decided "Chocolate Peanut Butter Sandwiches from Disneyland" was a bit cumbersome as a name, so we're just calling them Disney Bars. :)  A few observations, should you decide to make them:

1. I usually buy generic brand graham crackers, but decided to get the Honey Maid brand from Sam's for these, with the thought that they wouldn't crumble as badly as the generics, and would break in half more evenly.  Umm, no.   They actually crumbled worse than the generics I usually use.  Lesson learned.  :)  

2.  They are *really* rich.  I used squares (half graham crackers) for this batch, but for the  next  batch we'll use fourths (small rectangles).  The squares were just too much. 

3.  Be *really* careful getting the trays in and out of the freezer.  If you drop one and half the batch lands in the floor over halfway through, it won't be pretty. 

4.  Make sure you have plenty of milk on hand. These need milk.  They insist on it. :)  


I just realized that I altered the recipe a bit...here is my version (and I don't measure, so I'll try to guesstimate where I can) :

Disney Bars

Dipping Chocolate (I used half a package of this, for one sleeve of graham crackers.) 
Graham Crackers (one sleeve, halved)
Peanut Butter

I melted the chocolate in the microwave per the directions on the package, then dipped the graham crackers and froze until solid.  Spread with a thin layer of peanut butter, freeze again, then cover the top and sides with another layer of melted chocolate.  Freeze until ready to serve.  Serve with milk.  Yum! 


  1. Oh my goodness these look yummy!! Putting them on my shopping list now!! :) Thanks for sharing... LOVE your blog, and all the beautiful pictures. ~ang

  2. Thanks, Angelia! Hope you all enjoy them as much as we have. I think I'm making another batch today. :)

  3. Sounds yummy ~ Anything is good is never easy as they say ~namaste, Carol ^_^ (linked w/ Creative Everyday and A Creative Harbor)
