
Air Show, Part 1

Hoping to spend some time this weekend getting caught up on the blog a bit...I have a LOT of Air Show pictures, so I'm going to break them up and spread them out among other things. :)  The local Air Show has been a tradition for us for many years...it was good to reminisce this year about the years my dad went...he LOVED the Air Show...and all the years we went with tiny babies and/or toddlers in strollers.  So different this year to go with "big kids" who didn't have to have their ears covered every time there was a loud noise! :)  (I must say, though, that I missed the stroller a bit...it sure did come in handy for carrying "stuff". :))

Bedfords had the coolest thing this year...a tent right down by the runway with a roped off area in which they had tripods set up with some incredible zoom lenses to which folks could attach their own DSLRs and take photos.  I got to try out this lens.  Wow.  

They also had loaner DSLRs and lenses.  I borrowed this lens for the afternoon.  Oh, my.  I LOVED using this lens.  It was quite versatile...prior to using it, I'd been switching between my two lenses depending on whether I was trying to get planes in flight or statics/people on the ground.  While the 18-200 wasn't ideal for planes in flight, it worked, and I was able to use the same lens the rest of the day.   I wondered aloud more than once if I could get by without a driver's license from now on (I'd had to leave it to borrow the lens).  I was only joking...mostly. :-D  

All in all it was a great day spent with good friends...we enjoyed it all, even if we did come home sunburned and utterly exhausted. :)