

Yes, oops!  I posted Thursday that I was going to try to post *something* every day this month, and then I completely missed Friday.  And Saturday is almost gone.  Yesterday was non-stop running from start to finish, and today has been almost that way.  (Although, I suppose to be technical, I actually spent several hours this afternoon/evening *sitting*...but I wasn't at home and couldn't blog at the time. :))  Anyway, I took some photos this morning that I haven't had time to edit yet, and it is way too late at night to attempt a book review (of which I need to post several...I'm behind!) or an actual post of substance, so I'm going to pop up a few photos from last month I never had time to post, and hope to get back with a more substantial post tomorrow. :)  

Eurasian Collared Dove on the roof

Silly Cardinals would rather drink out of the end of the hose than out of the freshly filled birdbath! 

A little wet. :)

This one is a little soft, but I love it, because she looks like such a lady with her "skirt" hanging down. :)  

Eurasian Collared Dove at the birdbath

Brown Thrasher at the birdbath