
It's Been a While...

I realized tonight that it has been a month today since I last posted here.  ACCKK.  :)  I knew it had been a while, but didn't realize it had been *that* long.  It's been a crazy month, full of birthday parties and other events, health issues, falling behind and trying to get caught up, and just random busy-ness, all of which have left me with a long list of "planned" posts and no "posted" ones. :)

The ironic thing about that is that on September 3, I decided I was going to try to post every day for the rest of the month.  Ha!  I'm almost afraid to do this, but I'm going to see if I can pick that up this month.  It may be a photo, a quote, a link list, or one of the {many} posts on my "To Post" list, but I'm going to endeavor to post *something* every day.  

For today...a few photos of our backyard friends this afternoon...

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