
On the Days When I Don't Wake Up Feeling Thankful...

Because there are days when I just don't wake up feeling thankful...

Recognizing the Gifts...

The boy straightening mom's corner, "just because"

~ A rare whole 45 minutes to teach my Sunday School lesson...and girls digging into the Word so deeply we run out of time regardless!

~ Disappointment turned to delight...having to sit out of choir, but getting to actually *hear* the choir sing...and  seeing so many of our youth (including one of mine!) scattered through the choir...such a blessing!

~ Sermon-reminder, once again, that "He showcases His mercy..."  It's all mercy...

~ Husband who loves to cook, and does it so well. :)

~ Crazy cards, perfect pens, sweet treat...encouraging friend = encouraged heart

~ Sharpies...enough said. :)

~ Unexpectedly cooler afternoon and a few minutes to sit and enjoy our backyard wildlife, camera in hand...promise of cooler days and enjoyable moments to come...

~ Woodpecker sighting, times 2...little things bringing big smiles :)

~ Big-girl birthdays

~ Little girl "puppy tails" (Harris-ese for pigtails :))

~ Visit with friends we don't see often enough

~ Almost-empty calendar for the week ahead...a most welcome breather...

~ Sunday School "rabbit trail"...."God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." ...Pondering today...He didn't just carry our sin on the cross...He became it...every bit...so that...we might become His righteousness.  What an unbelievable trade...simple words but huge truth to get my mind around...

~ The privilege of homeschooling...so easy to get bogged down in the responsibility and forget the blessing!  Purposing to focus on that this week...

~ Faithful prayer warriors, answered prayers, and watching for God's work from here...

~ And always grace...because  even the grace to recognize the gifts comes from Him.

Joining with Ann today in sharing the Gifts...


  1. Beautiful pictures...beautiful words!

  2. LOVE the bird pictures! We have feeders all over our back yard so we can watch them :)

    Visiting from Ann's place today,

  3. I used to be one of those youth in an adult choir- such a happy memory! Thank you for reminding me of the heritage I enjoy! Blessings to you!

  4. Joining you from Multitudes on Mondays. What a great list. I especially love children helping "for no reason" and husbands who cook and do it well. But I've aways had a soft spot for little girls "puppy tails". Thanks for sharing.

  5. wonderful list! And your photos are beautiful. I had a chance to capture the nesting and hatching of a little bird on my hanging basket and I felt so blessed to experience that miracle. Bird watching is something I ♥

    Maria @ Linen & Verbena

  6. Kecia ~ Thank you, friend!

    Kristin and Susan ~ Thanks! We love our birds, too! They are so fascinating. :)

    Kelly ~ So was I! Wonderful memories, and such a treat to now have my 7th grader sitting by me in the choir loft. I'm praying it will be as much of a blessing to her as it's been to me.

    Deborah ~ I <3 "puppy tails".:)

    Maria ~ Thank you! How neat to get to watch the nesting and hatching! We've seen babies, but the nests have all been out of range to see inside.

  7. Great post. Really great.
    (And yes, Sharpies - enough said!)
