
Happy 76th Birthday, Lake Catherine!

We LOVE Lake Catherine State Park.  The cabins are clean and comfy, the staff is superb, the scenery is beautiful, the wildlife is wonderful, the atmosphere is tranquil.  Today is Lake Catherine's 76 birthday, so I thought I'd do a quick posting of some of our favorite Lake Catherine photos (unfortunately, some of my favorites are still on my old hard drive...hopefully I'll get them transferred soon.)

Love the big decks...

love the screened in porches even more...
with beautiful views...

and visitors!  :-)

Perfect for reading and relaxing

Hiking to the waterfall...

around the lake...

to Emlyn's favorite part...the suspension bridge!

Beautiful sunsets...

s'mores on the grill...

and journaling by porchlight.

A little bit of history...

A little bit of wildlife...

and a day full of activities at the Safety Expo (April 2011)

Jaws of Life Demo at the Safety Expo

Waiting for the water drop...


Another sunset...

Another view of the lake...

and my favorite of all!  Love this place!


  1. Those pictures are AH-MAZING. The lizard pic is FAB! There are too many faves to name here, but I really like the last one a LOT.

    Great job!

    (So when do we go into biz together?)

  2. Thank you!! I love the lizard picture, too. I don't know what it is about me and lizard pictures, but some of my favorite photos I've ever taken have been of lizards. :) That last one was taken with my old p&s, and has lots of technical issues, I know, but it's one of my very favorites. It's just so peaceful...and brings back really good memories. :)

    And I guess as soon as you move up here... :-P
