
Sunday Song...Super-Quick version :)

It's been a great, crazy, exhausting day here...more on that tomorrow, I hope.  But before I collapse into bed in preparation for a super-busy (and hopefully super-productive) day tomorrow, I'm going to post a super-quick Sunday Song post. :)  

I love (LOVE) Travis Cottrell's "Jesus Saves".   We've been singing it as a choir piece for about a year now (I think...), and it's a favorite for many of us (as well as many in the congregation.)  I ran across a video of Wes Hampton singing it this morning as I was getting ready for church and thought "I need to post this later..."  Then I dashed into the choir room this morning and discovered we were singing it in church this morning. :)   

As many times as we've sung it, it's one of those songs that always thrills me (and speaks to me) in a slightly different way.  This morning, I was just totally caught up in worship through the whole song...and then we hit this line:  "The redeemed will sing forever, Jesus Saves!"  

I almost couldn't finish the song as emotion (and a few tears) hit hard.  All of the sudden, all I could think of was my dad...and Bro. Roy and Mrs. Jimmie...and dear Lucy...Tom Stuart...Aaron...Andy W...Linda Vaughn...so many who are gone now, but who I associate with singing...in a tremendous choir, singing Jesus Saves, over and over again, like the angels that proclaim "Holy, Holy, Holy".   Wow.  What a thought!   We have assurance of that salvation through a glass darkly, but they have that assurance face to face!  It was one of those times when words you've heard and said and sung over and over just overwhelm you in a whole new way...and they are overwhelming me all over again just thinking about it.  

In all the hubbub, in all the craziness...that's what matters.  That's it.  That's what ALL the rest of it is about...whether we realize it at any given time or not.  Jesus Saves!  

Hear the heart of heaven beating
Jesus saves, Jesus saves
And the hush of mercy breathing
Jesus saves, Jesus saves
Hear the host of angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King"
And the sounding joy repeating
Jesus saves!

See the humblest hearts adore Him
Jesus saves, Jesus saves
And the wisest bow before Him
Jesus saves, Jesus saves
See the sky alive with praise
Melting darkness in its blaze
There is light forevermore in
Jesus saves!

He will live, our sorrow sharing
Jesus saves, Jesus saves
He will die our burden bearing
Jesus saves, Jesus saves
"It is done!" will shout the cross
Christ has paid redemption's cost
While the empty tomb's declaring
Jesus saves!

Freedom's calling
Chains are falling
Hope is dawning
Bright and true
Day is breaking
Night is quaking
God is making all things new
Jesus saves!

Oh, to Christ, how great a debtor
Jesus saves, Jesus saves
Are the saints who shout together
Jesus saves, Jesus saves
Rising up so vast and strong
Lifting up salvation's song
The redeemed will sing forever
Jesus saves!

~ David Moffett and Travis Cottrell


  1. Yes, "so many who are gone now" - as I think of my nephew who just went to be with the Lord this past week, at 39 years old.

    Thank God - Jesus saves!
    Blessings to you - Marsha

  2. Amen! Such a beautiful song and reminder.

    "We have assurance of that salvation through a glass darkly, but they have that assurance face to face!" Such a sweet promise to us one day! I can't wait.

    And yes, I had tears as I listened to the song.

    Thank you.
