
Power of the Cross

Another night I didn't at all feel like staying for choir...another night I'm glad I did.  So needed to just immerse myself in these words for a while tonight....

Power of the Cross

Once in darkness now in light 
Once blind now you see 
Once a sinner now a saint 
Once bound now free. 

That's the power of the Cross 
See the chains fall 
That's the power of the Cross 
See the chains fall 

Once a stranger now a child 
Empty now filled 
Once condemned now reconciled 
Broken now healed 

That's the power of the Cross 
See the chains fall 
That's the power of the Cross 

See the chains fall 

Once a prodigal now home 
Once lost now found 
Once and enemy now a friend 
Once poor now crowned 

That's the power of the Cross 
See the chains fall 
That's the power of the Cross 
See the chains fall!
~Shelly E. Johnson

This is not my favorite arrangement of this song, but it is the only one I could find. :)


  1. I almost skipped choir because the youth/parent meeting before it was to announce our youth pastor's resignation--which means my friend, his wife, moving. But like you, I found myself being ministered to through the songs -- Great is His faithfulness!

  2. Seems like the times it's hardest for me to go are the times I need to be there the most. Praying for you as your friend leaves...that is so hard!
