
Multitude Monday ~ On Tuesday

My poor, neglected blog has been begging for attention lately.  I had planned to blog every day this week...and then promptly blew that plan by trudging wearily off to bed last night after the weather calmed down without having posted a word.  So...the plan is to play catch up with two posts today. :)  We'll see...

I also began, months ago, participating in Ann Voskamp's Multitude Monday.   I have missed many more weeks than I have posted, but I am trying again.  Please visit Ann's blog, A Holy Experience, to see what others are thankful for this week.

20 ~ God's continual reminders of His mighty acts and faithfulness in the past...

21 ~ And His continued reminders of His promises for today and tomorrow...

22 ~ Protection from the storms...

23 ~ A roof over our heads, however fragile :)

24 ~ Our backyard, and the variety of birds and "critters" that share it...the wonders of God's Creation, up close!

25 ~ Recent and upcoming celebrations of milestones...and the friendships those celebrations represent...

26 ~ On this morning when many around us are without electricity, the blessing of power and the convenience and comfort it provides...

27 ~ An abundance of food, and the ability to even allow for our preferences and health needs...

28 ~ Preparations abounding for camp and VBS, and the excitement that we have about those opportunities...

29 ~ For those who faithfully serve and protect our country, and the sacrifices they and their families make, especially during deployments...

(Photos taken in our backyard last night.)

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