
It's Official...

Although I changed the title on my blog header months ago, I finally took the plunge today and officially changed the title on Blogger.  "Scraps and Snippets" is now officially "Ponderings of an Elect Exile".   Now that I'm typing that, it sounds like a good reason for a blog party, or giveaway, or something (for the 2.68 readers who are still actually reading with my scanty posting lately...;-))  Perhaps that will be next on my list of things to ponder...:)

While I'm pondering,  this would also be a great time to hear from you!  I'd love to know who *is* reading.  If you've never commented here before, or if it's been a long time, stop by and introduce yourself in the comments.  You don't have to have a blog in order to comment...just hit "comments" below, type a few words (or more) in the comment box, and then chose your ID.  If you choose "anonymous", it would be great if you could at least add a first name or username in the comment.  I'd love to hear how long you've been visiting this blog, what kind of posts you enjoy, any particular posts that have stuck out, or anything else you'd like to share.   Thanks!


  1. Still reading : ) Wanting to get back to blogging. Just too many things going on right now. I have a post started but keep contemplating actually posting it.

  2. I'm still following you! Glad you're getting back into blogging. :-)

  3. Love the new name & new look!! :)

  4. Jody...I'm waiting {im}patiently for your next post. Perhaps I need to suggest to our "blog police" friend that she needs to send some "encouragement" your way...:)

    Sarah...Thanks! Glad you are still there...you are always such an encouragement.

    Angelia...Thanks! I was never happy with the old name...it was one of those "I've got to have a name in a hurry" things, and I've been looking for a new one ever since. I think I'm finally happy with it. :) Sure do enjoy your blog!!
