The on-stage photos aren't the best...someday I will have a better zoom! :)
Presentation Night
The on-stage photos aren't the best...someday I will have a better zoom! :)
Simple Woman's Daybook

October 27, 2008
Outside My Window...
It's dark. I started this post early this morning, and never it's 10:38 p.m. :-)
I am thinking...
I am thankful for...
From the Learning Rooms...
Last week of Mega Memory Month,
Continuing our Holiness/Reverence study,
Getting ready for a *blitz* unit on Presidential Elections.
(And I have had the sudden desire this week to do Latin. Latin? Latin! Now...I have *always* wanted to learn Greek or Hebrew, and had actually planned to do some Greek later on in our homeschool years, but I have *never* wanted to do Latin. And now I do. Have I lost my mind? [I know what one person's answer to that is going to be!! Ha!] I'll keep you posted on that. :))
I am creating...
I am reading...
I am hoping...
Around the house...
One of my favorite things...
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Ammah Grace in her Cat in the Hat hat at Co-op Presentation Night. She loved her Dr. Seuss class! More photos coming soon...:)
For more Daybook entries, please pop over to Peggy's.
Traveling VietNam Memorial Wall
The kids and I had a "micro-mini" unit study on the Viet Nam conflict before we went. Although I was alive during the last part of the conflict, I knew very little about it. I had heard my dad talk about it occasionally when it came up in a political discussion, had read a bit here and there about it, and had a friend growing up whose dad was a VietNam vet. I had seen Billy's dad's photos from those days, but he has never talked much about them.
I was first surprised to learn how long the conflict lasted. I knew it was a long time, but had no idea it was 16 years...1959 to 1975. We also learned that 58,000 Americans died in the conflict. Seeing those names on the wall...even the smaller-scale, traveling version, was pretty incredible.
I was glad that we went at night; I think the exhibit was more impressive in the dark than it would have been in the daylight. :) But...I wasn't able to get a good shot of the whole memorial due to the lighting...I kept trying, but to no avail.
There were flowers and other memorials at the wall, no doubt left in memory of loved ones who died in the war.
While we were studying in preparation for our mini "field trip", we found some great photos of the actual memorial in Washington D.C. here. Definitely worth a look.
Simple Woman's Daybook

I am thankful for...
From the kitchen...
I am hoping...
I am hearing...
Around the house...
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
For more Daybook entries, visit Peggy at The Simple Woman.
Mega Memory Month Update...
Simple Woman's Daybook...A Bit Belated :)

Thanks to Peggy at the Simple Woman for hosting the Daybook each week!
"Little Pillows"
Reporting in on the Chocolate Cobbler...:-)
Jody had posted a link to Southern Plate a while back, and I've found several great recipes there, and have a stack of others I can't wait to try. The pizza rolls especially were a big hit here, and Billy is impatiently waiting for me to make the chicken and dumplings. (They're in the works for this weekend.) My friend Jodie first told me about the Symphony Brownies...they had received rave reviews at her house, and I couldn't wait to try them. The only problem was that I only ate a very small one, thinking I would have more later...and then Billy sent the *leftovers* home with his sister! So I will have to make them again soon...:-D)
I am *not* a food photographer. I have a *terrible* time getting food pictures to turn out the least bit *recognizable*, much less *appetizing*. So don't let this photo scare you off! :-) (I didn't get a photo of the brownies before they left...sorry. :))
Mega Memory Month...Signing In
Anyway...we kicked off our Mega Memory Month challenge yesterday, a bit slowly, but with great enthusiasm. Basically I announced what our plan is (Psalm 1 and "My Shadow", by Robert Louis Stevenson), we read through both selections, and talked about *why* we are doing this. We had already begun working on vocabulary and comprehension on Psalm 1 before vacation.
This morning I printed copies of the Psalm and the poem for all three *big kids*. Each child will get a new portfolio this morning--one side will be for MMM materials, the other will be for papers from the study on *Holiness and Reverence* that we are starting. They will be able to keep their portfolios nearby to work on memorization at various points throughout the day.
I have a few other memory helps planned for this week...hopefully I'll have time to post a bit more soon.
Many thanks to Ann Kroeker for her encouragement in this challenge. Her blog is a delight...I'm letting myself have a few minutes a day to go back through her archives. I have gotten some great ideas from her Quiet Time Round-up post. (And I was very tickled to find a name for what my two middle children have been doing since before they could read in her "Scribing" posts.) Not to mention the fact that I feel a definite kinship for someone who has an entire blog category labeled "Nutella"! Yum!! :-D
Simple Woman's Daybook

(Facebook friends...the rest of the pictures from the day are posted on FB already if you want to peek there. :))
To participate or see more Daybook entries, visit Peggy at The Simple Woman.
Mega Memory Month, a bit late...:)
So...Scripture memory has always been a priority in my mind and heart, even if we haven't been terribly consistent in making it happen lately. It *usually* has a prominent spot in our school day, but I have realized recently that we aren't nearly where I want to be with it.
I had decided a week or so ago that I personally was going to learn Psalm 91. About that same time, I decided that the kids and I were going to begin working on a longer Scripture passage, rather than individual verses, during our Scripture memory time in school. I finally settled on Psalm 1, and the kids and I did some study on it week before last, in preparation to get serious about memorizing it next week, after Billy's vacation.
Then the other day, I happened across a couple of pertinent articles. One was a post by Ann Voskamp about their participation in Ann Kroeker's Mega Memory Month. I loved the Mega Memory Month idea immediately, so even though we are a bit past the October 1 start date, we are going to jump in and participate anyway!
The Ann Voskamp post is, as usual, truly excellent and so perfectly expresses the main reason I want to participate in this project. Love, love, love the last line of her post..."We thoroughly intend to blaze with your glory..."
The other article I ran across brings up a secondary reason I want to participate in this project. Andrew Pudewa, director of the Institute for Excellence in Writing, discusses the importance of poetry memorization in building good writers here. I found his article fascinating and challenging. This is another area in which I have good *intentions*, but we've been pretty hit and miss in reality. My children *love* to memorize poetry, and I need to take advantage of that!'s the plan.
We are going to start with the Scripture passage we had already planned to memorize in the next few weeks...Psalm 1...
We are also going to memorize a poem. Another thought I had a week or so ago is that my children aren't nearly as familiar with my favorite children's poetry as I would like for them to be, and that I would like to remedy that. Andrew Pudewa gave me the perfect excuse to pull out some of my favorite poetry books from my childhood. We are starting with my all-time favorite, Robert Louis Stevenson's A Child's Garden of Verses. This copy was a gift from my Granny and Papa Marks on my first birthday. :) It is inscribed by my grandmother, and is one of my most treasured books....
My very favorite poem in the book is "The Land of Counterpane", but for some reason, I didn't feel it was a good choice for our first memory project from the book. So, I chose another favorite, "My Shadow"....
The plan is that I will post on our progress each week, including any memorization tools that we find helpful along the way (Ann Kroeker has some great suggestions at her blog, linked above), and then link to it at Ann Kroeker's blog. Hopefully the accountability will keep us on our toes! (Feel free to comment with questions about our progress if we go too long between MMM posts! :))
Happy Birthday Great-Papa!
More Mercy Week...
We had a great time again last Saturday at St. Ed's Mercy Week Family Fun Day. In the midst of a busy day, we managed to squeeze in an hour or so of fun and a great (free! :)) lunch. Hopefully if they do this again next year, we'll be able to hang around for more of the fun.