
As We Step Into This New Day {Sufficient Grace and Matchless Glory}

I may or may not be back later with another post.  It's going to be a long day.   Went to bed last night praying for our sweet friend Jo Ann and her family, and woke up this morning praying for them.

This thought by Scotty Smith seemed so appropriate for the very full day ahead. 

And these verses have been on my heart and in my mind all week.  As we are learning in VBS this week about God's absolute truth, I'm reminded that in the end, that truth is all that matters.  Not just knowing about that truth, but living in it. His words are trustworthy and true.  He is making all things new.  There will be no more tears, no more cancer, no more death, no more mourning or pain...Savior King Jesus has conquered it all.  And for those who have, through His grace and mercy, been called to follow His truth, that is a glorious hope! 

For those who aren't living in that truth through salvation in Jesus Christ, there is no hope.  But there can be.  You can find more information on that hope here or here.


Update: I rarely update blog posts, but I just felt I had to come back and update this one.  I very hastily posted this this morning in between getting ready, taking Billy to work, getting the kids ready, and packing everything everyone needed to be at church all day for VBS and the funeral. 

In the process of putting something in my bag (a motion that should not at all have caused a problem), I did something to my upper left arm that caused excruciating pain...can't-talk-can-barely-breathe kind of pain.

As some of you know, I spent about 9 months dealing with severe shoulder and upper arm issues on my left side.  I had an injection and six weeks of physical therapy (and lots and lots and lots of prayer!) which worked wonders.  At the beginning of March, I literally could barely move my left arm at all; I had almost no range of motion, and very little strength.  I couldn't lift anything heavier than a loaf of bread with my left arm. I couldn't sleep at night even with pain meds.  It was horrific.

After the injection and PT this spring, I am back to almost full range of motion, I can carry a full pan of food across the room with my left hand, and pain is very rare.  Except this morning.  I was still struggling not to cry when we got to church.

I asked a few people to pray.  We had a full day ahead...VBS crafts all morning, and then a funeral meal to help with before attending the funeral this afternoon, plus an evening full of prep for tomorrow.

It hurt throughout the morning, sometimes worse than others, but never so much that I wasn't able to do what needed to be done.  I limited my mobility quite a bit...partially of necessity, and partially out of caution. As our last group of kids left the craft room, I breathed a quick prayer, "Thank you, Lord, for getting us through the morning...now I really need my arm at full capacity to get through the afternoon." 

From that point on, I was able to do everything I needed to do...lifting, pouring, carrying, stretching...with close to my usual mobility. 

I've been very aware for a long time that God uses pain in my life to remind me of my dependence on Him...of the perfection of His strength in my weakness.  He did it again today. 

I was reminded this evening of the Scotty Smith quote above, and I realized that after having shared it this morning, I really needed to share this update, "for His Matchless Glory".  So thankful for His Sufficient Grace,Compelling Love, and Sovereign Faithfulness always!


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