
Now *THIS* is neat!! (and I really, really, need it. really.)

Jennifer is hosting a *really* cool contest at 5 Minutes for Mom. Ten people are going to win a NeatReceipts Scanalizer by entering her contest here...and I would *really, really* like to be one of them! This is one of those "I-didn't-know-I-needed-it-until-I-saw-it-and-now-I-really-have-to-have-one" things. My first thought when I saw it was scanning schoolwork....what a great way to keep all the records we need to keep and be able to toss lots of the paper clutter!! (Actually, what would happen is that my kids could actually *keep* the papers they are always begging to keep about which I'm always saying, "But I have to keep that for school!" ;-)) Then I watched the demo and got all kinds of ideas about scanning recipes...*that* would be wonderful! And then I realized how much I've been wanting to track exactly how much we are spending on different *categories* of things we buy at Wal-Mart and Sams...but I never have time. This would make that a snap. And then there was that idea Callapidder Days mentioned about the kids' artwork. And...And...And...

See why I *really* need to win this thing?? :-D

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