
My Weary Soul, He Will Restore...

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9

That is yet another verse that has taken on a whole new meaning recently. The last few weeks have been exhausting...but this past *year* has been unbelievably wearing on our family. A year ago this week we discovered a situation in our extended family that has been very painful and draining. Throughout the past year, we have been *so* determined to be obedient to God in this situation, determined that He would be glorified in our suffering. We have determined *not* to be angry, *not* to let bitterness take hold, to *choose daily* to forgive. God has blessed that in many ways.

But somehow the whole *one year anniversary* thing has hit hard. Yesterday I realized "I'm *tired* of doing the right thing. I'm ready to wallow in anger for a while. It would *feel good* to be bitter right now." I also began to feel like we really weren't *getting anywhere* by *doing the right thing*. I was really ready to throw a big pity party.

And then that verse popped into my head, from out of nowhere, it seemed. "Do not grow weary in doing good..." The rest of the night and even into this morning, I felt like a little kid with his fingers in his ears humming away while his mother tries to tell him something he doesn't want to hear. I didn't *want* to hear that verse.

But God just kept prompting, sending encouragement and gentle reminders that He is in control and His ways are perfect...even when they are painful.

I was reminded again of a hymn we sang not long ago that really spoke to me:

"My Savior is the Lord and King, He has control of everything,
He loves me and he bids me sing, He gives His song to me.

He calms my hurts and dries my tears, He gives me strength to face my fears,
He sends His grace through all my years, he gives His song to me.

My Savior, Jesus, I'll adore, my weary soul He will restore,
I'll praise His name forevermore, He'll give His song to me.

Jesus is the Song of Life, Jesus is the Song of Joy,
Jesus is the Song of Love, Jesus gives His Song to me."
--David Danner

I'm thankful that He *always* gives a song...even sometimes when I don't *want* one.

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