
Tackle It Tuesday!

My first Tackle It Tuesday! :-) I've debated what my Tackle It Tuesday project should be...we are in the process of a *whole-house overhaul* on our 60+ year old house, so there are lots of possibilities!

I think we'll go with painting the front door (the inside, not the outside). The front door and door facing *really* need a touch-up, and I have been going to do it for a week...and then Billy was going to do it this weekend...and neither one of us ever got to it. :) The other thing I *really* need to do is switch over my email...I am in the process of changing ISPs and the state of limbo I'm in with my email is about to drive me bananas! So...I will tackle that as well.

Hope everyone has a productive Tuesday!

Tackle It Tuesday Update...

Whew! Finished them both!! Got the door painted and the other trim in the Entryway touched up, *and* got my email switched over. That was quite a traumatic undertaking...I have several email accounts for various purposes, but our primary email address has been the same ever since we first got internet service. Funny how such a seemingly *minor* change can shake a person up so much! Not only did I have to get everything switched over, but I also had to make a *decision* about what our new primary email was going to be from here on out. I knew the addresses I did *not* want to use as our primary email, but couldn't decide between my relatively new gmail account and the email address provided by our new ISP. I finally went with the new ISP address...and so far, I'm happy. I just realized though...I need to figure out which email addresses and email loops my mail needs to be changed on and get all *those* changed as well. *Sigh* Sounds like a "Tackle It Tuesday" project...only unfortunately, this one won't wait until next Tuesday....and my brain is way too tired to tackle that tonight. Guess that will go on my "Way Too Full Already Wednesday" list...;-)

Thanks for the inspiration, motivation, and encouragement to get these projects done!!


  1. You've inspired me -- I really need to paint the door that goes to our garage. Maybe I'll have to do that sometime this week. (Or maybe next Tuesday -- LOL!)

  2. Welcome!! Good luck with the tackles!!

  3. Good luck with the painting tackle. Hope you get your ISP squared away.

  4. Oooh, painting doors is a great idea! I'll add it to my own list too:)

  5. WOW what an awesome tackle - it's so nice to see people working ON older houses and not knocking them down!

  6. Jennifer...

    There are days when I would *like* to knock this one down!!! :-D But I always wanted an older house, and this is the house my grandparents lived in for over 40 years...so it has great sentimental value to me. I keep reminding myself of that as our list of *house redo todo's* seems to grow instead of shrinking as we work! :)

  7. Sounds like you have a great plan... welcome to TTT.

    Thanks for the compliment on my yard.
