
Menu Plan Monday...

I was really disappointed this morning to realize that I had missed out on the opportunity to participate in Menu Plan Monday...because I posted my menus on Sunday night! However, thanks to the fact that I have one less loaf of bread than I thought I had (the crew was apparently hungrier than usual last night!), I now have the perfect opportunity to re-post our *new* menu for the week and be part of Menu Plan Monday! I hope I'm doing this right...I'm not sure how to post the MPM banner in my post, but I'll work on it. :)

ETA: I have tried to figure out how to post the MPM banner in my post and my Monday Morning Mush-Brain can't seem to do it. If someone would give me instructions in a comment (or link to instructions for me), I would be *ever* so grateful!! Thanks!!!

B--Cinnamon/Cheese Roll-ups
L--Nachos and Refried Beans, Carrot Sticks and Ranch
S--Brat Stew, French Bread, salad
Sn--Rice Cakes, fruit, smoothies

L--Baked Potato Bar
S--Tacos, Nachos, Taco Salad
Sn--Trail Mix, Banana Cake

B--Scrambled Eggs/Toast
L--Cheesy Rice, Carrot Sticks and Ranch Dressing
S--King Ranch Casserole, Green Beans, Salad
Sn--Trail Mix, fruit, protein balls

B--Scrambled Eggs/Oatmeal
L--Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches, Mac and Cheese
S--Tilapia, Cole Slaw, Green Beans
Sn--Tortilla spirals, No-Bakes

B--Cinnamon/Cheese Roll-Ups
L--Tuna and Cottage Cheese, homemade *Rice-a-Roni*, fruit
S--Twice Baked Potatoes, Loaded Salad
Sn--No-Bakes, Muffins


  1. Looks great! Thanks for sharing!

  2. your week looks yummy!!

  3. looks like a great menu!! Happy Monday!

  4. Lovely organized menu!! I'm such a slacker. LOL.

    About the banner--Go to Laura's and click on her banner and it comes up as a solitary picture. Left click and copy and save to your computer (say in your photos--I have a file for banners I use). Go to your Blogger account and edit your post. There is a little photo icon, click and you should be able to upload the photo from your computer.

    I add a linky to the banner the same way I link text.

    HTH! Let me know if it didn't.

  5. wow! with breakfast and dinner...that's great!

  6. Welcome to MPM! For the banner, I right clicked on it, saved it to my computer, than uploaded it to Photobucket. Then copied the code and I cut and paste it into my post! Does that make sense?? Have a great week!

  7. Your menu looks good. Keep on cooking!

    Let's see if I can help you get the banner.

    Go to OrgJunkie's site. Right click on the banner and then choose "save image as" to save the image to your computer. Then when you are posting your menu, click on the picture button on top of the new post box. Browse your computer to find the picture that you saved and then click to upload. Let me know if that doesn't work for you or if I'm confusing.

    Blogging Basics (http://www.bloggingbasics101.com/101/ is a great site for help.

  8. Welcome to MPM. I posted mine on Sunday too, the link wasn't up yet, (sometimes it's up on Sunday night) so I just added it today. You can participate even if you post early.
    I'm sure there's an easier way to get the banner in your post but here's the way I do it. Right click on the banner and save it to your computer. When you are making your post, hit the add graphic button and then browse to find the picture where you have it saved. Hit upload and then it will put it right in your post.
    I know there's a way to do it where if you click it, it will link to the MPM post, but I don't remember how at the moment. I hope this helps for now.
    And your menu looks great!

  9. Thanks for all the help on the banner! I'm headed out for a quick trip to the store, but when I come back I'm going to come back to the instructions and get that banner up! :-)

    I'm really hoping posting my menus will help get me back on track...I hobbled around on a broken ankle for 6 weeks and let myself get into some bad habits of relying way too much on junky convenience foods and "ACK! It's suppertime...we'll have to order pizza." (I need a blushing smiley here...:)) Hopefully this will give me some accountability!

  10. Welcome! Looks like you got the banner working just fine.

    Thanks so much for joining us!!

