
Washi Wonderful {Gift Wrap}

Super-duper quick post tonight with a little disclaimer: these photos are awful.  I know they are awful.  I took them this morning in the middle of cooking biscuits and gravy and drying my hair and ironing clothes to wear to my sister-in-law's graduation.  (I am so proud of her!  She has worked so hard, and now has her bachelor's in some sort of business-y thing I never can remember. :))

Anyway, in my rush I didn't get any good shots before we took two of the three gifts to their recipients.  Hopefully they'll give you a general idea, anyway. :)

Billy got these super-cute kraft boxes at the hospital gift shop.   When he handed them to me, I decided they were perfect to embellish with my new favorite craft supply: washi tape!!

We left right after he got home with them last night, and didn't get back until late, so I ended up with not quite as much time as I'd hoped to put them together this morning.  That's one of the wonderful things about Washi tape, though:  it is quick, easy, and forgiving of hurried fingers. :)

I picked colors and patterns for all three gifts and then began to layer.  I also had some cute little kraft stickers I got a while back on clearance, which I used for the name tags.  You can't tell it very well in these photos, but I outlined them with some quick doodles in the same color ink as the names.

Washi tape is wonderful for gift wrapping!

Have you succumbed to the wonders of washi tape?  What is your favorite way to use it?

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